The Mountain versus the Hound (Sandor Clegane x fem!reader x slight!Gregor)

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Sandor was furious. Once again, his brother was awarded something he never should have been. That wasn't why he was angry, however. Sandor's rage was caused by the fact that Gregor had been given yet another wife. Normally, it wouldn't have mattered to him, except this time, Gregor's wife was going to be someone Sandor knew. The one person he loved, but was afraid to admit. You.

You weren't too thrilled about the arrangement either. You didn't want to marry Gregor since you were in love with someone else, but there was nothing to be done. Once the King and your father had made up their minds, that was it. There was no going back, so, you simply stayed silent. That is, until the day of the tourney when, along with a someone else, you would change things for good.

You were sitting with the other lords and ladies when the tourney began. Joust after joust, you watched brave men fight and fall until there were only two left standing. Your future husband and his brother. As the two rode in, Gregor glared at you but Sandor rode by and offered you his favor. You gave him a small smile and took the token with trembling hands. As terrible as it was, you prayed to the old gods and the new that Sandor would win.

Sandor took his pace at one end and Gregor at the other. You grabbed your handmaiden's hand and squeezed. "Ouch, m'lady." You winced and apologized, letting go of her hand. You watched as the two brothers rode at each other as quickly as possible. You pulled your bottom lip between your teeth and closed your eyes when you heard a lance splinter. They flew open again when the sound of metal clashing against metal rang out.

The two brother's were fighting, helms discarded in the dirt somewhere. Gregor's face showed nothing but anger while Sandor's expression was one of pure determination. He was going to win this tourney. He had to. Once he did, he could afford to send you somewhere safe. Somewhere far away from his brother. With one final blow of his sword, Sandor was victorious. A part of him wanted to breathe a sigh of relief and the other part watched Gregor intently. He would never go down without a fight.

In typical Gregor fashion, the Mountain threw down his sword and stalked off. Once Gregor was out of sight, Sandor looked up in the stands and found your smiling face. You pushed your way passed the crowds to where Sandor was standing. "You were wonderful!" you cried before pressing your lips to his in excitement.

The silence was deafening as you pulled away from him in shock. Your face felt hot with embarrassment and his was as red as a rose. Everyone in the stands was gaping in horror at the fact that you had just willingly kissed the Hound. The man you were in love with. "I'm sorry," you whispered before turning and running from the tourney field. You wanted to crawl in a hole and die. You'd kissed the Hound. You were betrothed to his brother and still you kissed him!

You didn't get far before you heard footsteps behind you. "Y/N," a familiar voice stopped you in your tracks. You fought back the tears as you turned around to face Sandor. "I'm sorry. I should not have done that. I'm betrothed to your brother. It was wrong." You rambled until he chuckled. You stopped talking and stared at him. You'd never heard him laugh before.

"Wrong? No. Bein' forced to marry my brother is wrong. Gregor is not the sorta man any woman should be forced ta marry, least of all ya." You blinked up at him. "Why do you care?" you asked quietly. He removed his gloves and threw them to the side. Without another word, he cupped your face with his hands, pulled you up to meet him and crashed his lips onto yours. You kissed back with just as much passion, albeit with a little confusion. Why was he kissing you?

He broke away and rested his forehead on yours. "That's why. I don't care about anythin' or anyone except ya," he whispered and that was all you needed to hear before you kissed him again. This time, when you parted, you asked, "What of your brother? I was given to him." Sandor glared at the mention of the arrangement and replied, "Why do ya think I wanted ta win the tourney so much? With the purse, I can send ya away somewhere. Somewhere far from him."

"And you?" Your (e/c) eyes gazed into his in fear. "I have ta remain here for a bit longer, but I'll come ta ya when I can. Now, I want ya ta leave tonight, ya hear?" You nodded. You turned to leave, but Sandor wrapped a hand around your arm. You looked back and he whispered, "Be on yer guard." You nodded and he let you go. He watched as you disappeared into the Red Keep. If Sandor had been a man of faith, he would have prayed that you got out safely.

*time skip*

Sandor tried to fight the smile on his face when the small village came into view. After so long, he was finally going to see you again. He knew exactly where to find you and he couldn't wait. He made it to the small home on the outskirts of the village and that's when he saw you. You were hanging laundry. You'd lost the look of the noble lady you had been, but you were still so beautiful.

"Y/N," he called, his voice carrying over the wind to you. You turned to him with a smile that rivaled the sun. "Sandor!" You ran and threw your arms around him. Not another word was spoken as Sandor pressed his lips to yours again for the first time in so many moons. He didn't know how long he would have with you before one or both of you died. One thing he did know was that he was never letting you go again.


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