Plotting (Petyr Baelish x reader)

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"Hello, Petyr," you greeted upon hearing the door close. You knew exactly who it was. The only person who came to see you so late was Lord Petyr Baelish. "Hello, Y/N. I trust all is going according to plan?" You smirked at the whoremonger. "Of course it is. Casterly Rock will soon be taken from the Lannisters. I know what I am doing. The question is, do you?"

For many years, you and Petyr worked together, plotting to elevate your social standings through somewhat devious means. Now, you were plotting against House Lannister. In your opinion, the Lannisters had been in control for far too long and now that Petyr was acting Lord of the Eyrie as well as Lord of Harrenhal, he had the resources to help you take back what was yours and more from the Lannisters.

"Of course, but now we must bide our time. If we move too soon, we will fail," he told you. You nodded once before leaning over your desk once more. Petyr came to your side, reading over your shoulder. He smiled at just how manipulative you could be. That's why he agreed to work with you. Well that and mutual benefit. Once you took Casterly Rock, you would have control of all the Lannister resources and would provide generously for Petyr. Or so you thought. If only you had known just what the man would do.

You were about to ask him a question when the door to your home burst open and a dozen gold cloaks stormed in followed by none other than Jaime Lannister. "Y/N of House Y/L/N, by order of His Grace, King Joffrey Baratheon, you are hereby under arrest for plotting against the family of the Hand of the King, Tywin Lannister." Your eyes widened in confusion and fear. How had they figured it out?

You got your answer as Jaime tossed a bag of coin at Petyr who caught it with ease. It dawned on you. Petyr had sold you out! Somehow, he had convinced the Lannisters that you were alone in plotting against them and no one would take your word over his. "You bastard! I swear you will pay!" you cried as the gold cloaks tied your hands and dragged you from your home. Petyr smirked as he watched them lead you out. "I told you never to trust anyone," he whispered to himself.

You soon found yourself in front of the king, pleading for your life. Tywin Lannister would hear none of it, so you did the only thing you could think of. You demanded a trial by combat, as was your right. At least then, you had some small chance and, if your champion was victorious, you could keep your promise to Petyr. You would make him rue the day he betrayed you.

(a/n: I realize it's a bit short, but I am open to writing a second part to it if anyone wants one when requests for this fandom are open again.) 

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