The Sins of the Family (Oberyn Martell x fem!Lannister reader)

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You were pacing the gardens of the Red Keep and wringing your hands together. Your father, Tywin Lannister, had just informed you that you were to marry much to your dismay. Not only were you being forced to marry, you were being forced to marry the Dornish prince, Oberyn. It was no secret that Oberyn had no love for Lannisters and the idea of marrying him frightened you. Would he use you to exact revenge for his sister? The sister whose rape and murder was supposedly organized by your family.

The thought of being a pawn for revenge was too much for you to handle. You sank down onto a bench and began to sob. You prayed that no one would find you there. It was unbecoming for a Lannister to show weakness and you knew your father would throw a fit if anyone were to mention your tears. You didn't have any longer to think about the repercussions, however because a voice cut through your sobs.

"A beautiful woman should never be brought such sadness," Oberyn said as he approached you, his paramour, Ellaria, close behind. He handed you a handkerchief to dry your eyes. You couldn't help but flinch away when he sat next to you. Oberyn and Ellaria exchanged a look of concern before Ellaria nodded and left the two of you alone. "Will you be so kind as to tell me what has caused you so much pain?" While it was true Oberyn did not typically care for Lannisters, he did have a weakness for beautiful women and men and to him, you were a beautiful woman.

"I am...frightened," you whispered. Oberyn observed your facial expressions as you spoke. He could see the fear, but something else as well. Curiosity. "You are frightened of me?" You nodded. Oberyn couldn't deny that his feelings and his pride were hurt. "You do not need to be afraid of me, Y/N. I would never hurt you." You finally looked up to meet his eyes. You could the pain in them. "You hate my family. They are responsible for what happened to your sister." Oberyn's eyes lit up with understanding.

"You believe I would use you for my vengeance? Y/N, you must believe I would never do that. Our marriage may be for political gain, but I will never harm or disrespect you in anyway nor would I bring dishonor to you." He never took his eyes off your (e/c) ones as he spoke and you found yourself believing his every word. His Dornish accent was soothing to your ears. "Do you believe me, Flower?" You nodded again.

"Good. Now perhaps you will join me for a leisurely stroll? We could discuss our upcoming wedding." You grimaced at the idea. It was nothing against Oberyn now, but being the youngest Lannister, you weren't certain that you were ready for marriage. Oberyn laughed at your expression. "I know just how you feel, My Lady. Marriage is not something that appeals to me. It tends to limit one's experiences."

The rest of the afternoon was spend in pleasant conversation with the Dornish prince and soon, Ellaria rejoined the two of you. You realized you liked both Oberyn and his paramour. She was kind, witty and extremely sensual. The two complemented each other well and they seemed to love having you between the two of them. They made you feel special and wanted. Perhaps this marriage to Oberyn would not be so bad after all.


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