Previously Engaged (Ramsay Bolton x reader) Modern AU

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 "I'm not going, Ramsay!" you told your boyfriend outright. Ramsay simply stared at you. Not many people stood up to Ramsay, but that's part of what he loved about you. You weren't afraid of him and you could take anything you dished out. You refused to take any crap from him. "I didn't ask, Y/N." You rolled your eyes and scoffed. "And since when do I let you order me around? I won't go."

Ramsay's family owned one of the biggest businesses in the country. Their only competitors? The Lannisters and the Starks. Now, Ramsay's father had planned a banquet to try and convince Ned Stark to merge the two companies together. That was fine. It probably was smart. What wasn't smart was Ramsay trying to force you to go. You had history with one of the Starks, or rather the half-Stark. Jon Snow.

You'd been engaged to Jon before he decided to join the military. He hadn't even bothered to discuss it with you. He simply broke off your engagement and left for basic training. You hadn't seen him since and Ramsay had just informed you that Jon was going to be attending the banquet. "Y/N, I need you there. My father expects us there." You groaned loudly and faced your boyfriend. "You can go, Ramsay but I am staying here."

Ramsay stormed away from you and a few seconds later, you heard the door of your shared room slam shut. You hadn't wanted to upset him, but you knew you couldn't be in the same room as Jon without blowing up at him. Still, you knew Ramsay wouldn't want you to stay away. A part of you knew that Ramsay just wanted to show you off. To show Jon just what he lost. With this in mind, you sighed and walked to your bedroom.

Ramsay was going through his closet trying to find a good suit to wear to the banquet. "You should wear a pink shirt or tie. It's a good color for you. I'm pretty sure I have something to match." That was all you said before heading into his closest and pulling out a light pink button up. You handed it to him with a small smile. That was all Ramsay needed in order to know that you changed your mind. He took the shirt from you and threw it on the bed before pulling you into a lip bruising kiss.

"Glad you see things my way. Go get dressed." Once again, you rolled your eyes. "You are so making this up to me." Ramsay chuckled and replied, "In whatever way you want, my dear." You gave him a wink before going into your closet to find something to match Ramsey. "I love you, Y/N. I trust you know that." Ramsay's voice called into your walk-in. You stopped what you were doing and walked back out into the room.

Those three little words were ones Ramsay never said. The two of you lived together because you enjoyed each other's company and the activities you shared in the bed. You never talked about feelings. It just wasn't something either of you wanted to discuss. It wasn't Ramsay's personality and, after Jon, you just refused to talk about how you felt about anyone.

Ramsay was buttoning his shirt when you walked up behind him. He looked over his shoulder at you and smiled. You kissed him once more before returning to the task getting dressed in your finest. When you were ready, Ramsay offered you his arm. "Shall we?" You smiled and nodded.

A little while later, you entered the banquet hall on Ramsay's arm where Ramsay immediately put on his "business" face. The fake smile and charm he used to close business deals. You laughed to yourself until you saw Jon. Ramsay must have felt you stiffen because he moved his arm from yours and wrapped it around your waist. He pulled you close to him and whispered, "Don't let him see your distress. You are practically a Bolton. Act like it." You gave a slight nod as Jon approached.

Amazingly enough, you managed to get through your short interaction with Jon quite easily and, before you knew it, the banquet was over. "Thank gods," Ramsay muttered as the two of you entered your home. You chuckled and kicked off your shoes. "Now, I believe I owe you something." You turned to find him giving you a wolfish grin. "Hmm...I certainly like the sound of that," you purred as he wrapped his arms around you. You laughed happily before saying, "You can make it up to me with breakfast in bed tomorrow." You quickly kissed his cheek and ran up the stairs toward your room. After a brief moment, you heard his footsteps following yours. "You're going to pay for that, Y/N." Your laughter bounce off the walls as you entered your room, Ramsay right at your heels. 

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