Childhood (Ramsay Bolton x reader)

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If anyone ever said that Ramsay had a softer side, the only one who would believe them would be you. You grew up with Ramsay and you had known him before he realized the kind of man he wanted to be. The cruel and sadistic man he was now didn't exist when you were children. When you were small, Ramsay was sweet and caring. The two of you would play for hours on end around the Dreadfort and no one ever stopped you. You smiled as you looked back on your favorite childhood memories with Ramsay.

"Come on, Y/N! First one up the tree gets the first slice of pie!" Ramsay cried before scurrying up the branches. "You cheated!" you called, but laughed and followed him up. You were slightly smaller, but quicker than he was so you made it up the tree before he did."No fair, Y/N!" Ramsay said, his lip puffing out in a pout. You smiled and stuck your tongue out. "It was so!" Ramsay glared. "I'll race you back down!" You rolled your eyes but followed him back down the tree, this time letting him win.

You looked on as Ramsay practiced in the yard. Things had changed so much over the years. You had both grown up and Ramsay's personality had changed so much. You flinched slightly when you heard metal hitting armor. Your childhood with Ramsay hadn't always been great. There was one time, when you were in the practice yard, that Ramsay's temper got the better of him.

"Ow! That hurt!" you cried. Ramsay had hit you rather hard with the practice blade. You were only 8 after all and he was 10. You got hurt far more easily than he did. "Don't be such a child, Y/N!" he cried. You felt the tears welling up in your eyes. "Why are you so mean?" you asked him, dropping your sword down. You and Ramsay didn't fight often, but when you did, it was bad. Ramsay's face turned red with anger and frustration. "Pick up the blade!" You shook your head in defiance. The fight continued for several minutes before Ramsay eventually got so upset he hit you again, this time in the stomach, knocking the wind out of you. You didn't talk to him for the rest of the day until he apologized.

That was one of the last times you ever trained with Ramsay. From there on, he got more aggressive and violent. You kept telling yourself it was just a phase and he would get better. If only you had known that it would only get worse.

"Y/N!" twelve year old Ramsay called as he barged into the stables, scaring the horses. You glared at him as hard as a ten year old could. "What?" you asked, turning your attention back to your horse. You felt a hand wrap around your arm and pull you backwards. "Come with me!" You tried to fight against him, but he was bigger than you so you let him drag you from the stables. He lead you to an old tree, where one of Ramsay's dogs had cornered a helpless animal, far too small to be a meal for anyone. "Look what I trained him to do," Ramsay's voice was barely above a whisper. He barked an order at the dog and the animal lunged, tearing the defenseless creature to shreds. Ramsay wore a smirk of satisfaction as you looked on in horror.

You suppressed a shudder at the memory. From then on, Ramsay spent his days training his dogs and hunting. The final straw for you was when you discovered that Ramsay's favorite sport was human. He enjoyed the hunt and the aftermath of it. He would take his "prizes" and torture them. Ramsay ran his training partner through with his sword and his gaze met yours. He beckoned you down and you swallowed thickly. You knew what was about to happen.

Just before Ramsay had gone down to the training yard, the two of you had an argument about his new "toy", Theon Greyjoy. He was being far too cruel, probably crueler than you'd ever seen him. You had yelled at your former best friend and tried to reason with him, but to avail. Ramsay was dead set on torturing poor Theon. Now, it was your turn. Ramsay didn't handle being undermined very well. As you slowly made your way to the practice yard, you couldn't help but wish you could go back. Back to your childhood. Back to the time before Ramsay became this horrible person.


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