The King's Sister (Sandor Clegane x fem!Baratheon reader x brother!Robert)

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You looked around you, watching for shadows in the dark corridor. You had to make sure you weren't followed before you raised your hand and knocked lightly on the door in front of you. The door immediately opened and you were pulled inside. Before you could even catch your breath, you felt his lips on yours, his beard lightly scratching your face. You giggled into his lips despite the nagging voice in the back of your head saying you'd be in so much trouble if anyone were to discover your little secret.

You were in a secret relationship with the Hound, Sandor Clegane. Prince Joffrey's sworn shield. That wasn't the reason your relationship was a bad idea. It was a bad idea because of who you were, or rather, who your brother was. King Robert. That's right, you were a Baratheon. Twin sister to Renly as a matter of fact. You knew your brothers would never approve of your relationship with Sandor, Robert least of all and you prayed to every god there was that he never found out. Unfortunately for you, the gods did not answer your prayers.

After your time with Sandor, you quickly kissed him before opening the door to head back to your own chambers. Your eyes went wide when you saw your eldest brother standing just outside, his arms crossed over his large chest. His face was as red as a tomato. You could almost see steam coming out of his ears. "R-Robert!" you cried. His blue eyes narrowed. He grabbed your upper and pulled you from the room. "I will deal with you later," he growled at Sandor, who simply stood there seething at Robert's treatment of you.

Robert dragged you down the corridors and you wondered how he'd found out. Who could have possibly told him? You had been so careful all this time. Robert lead you to his own chambers and, after kicking out the whore that had been waiting for him, he turned on you. "What in the Seven Hells is wrong with you? You are the sister to the King and you decide to throw in your lot with some guard dog?" You glared at your brother.

"Sandor is not just 'some guard dog'! He is a good man! He protects your son without question! He never answers back and does unspeakable things in the name of YOUR son! And yet he still serves faithfully! When he's with me, I know I do not have to worry about any dangers lurking around! He is kind to me and a passionate lover, the most passionate I've ever had. And above any of that, I love him!" You stopped your rant when you said the last sentence. You'd never said the words out loud but, as soon as you had, you realized just how true they were. You loved Sandor Clegane.

"What do you mean 'the most passionate you've ever had'? You've had more than one? Since when did my sister start spreading her legs?" Robert asked. You rolled your eyes and sighed. Really? "Is that truly all you heard? You have no room to talk, brother. You have a wife and yet, you have many, many, many, many lovers. Did you not hear me? I love him, Robert."

"You do realize he can't take you as his wife? He can't have children with you?" You arched a brow at him. How quickly your brother forgot things. "Robert, Sandor isn't a knight. He never took those vows. He can do whatever he damn well pleases! It is his choice! If he wishes to marry me, I will gladly take his hand and if not, then so be it!" Without another word, you turned on your heel and walked through his door, brushing past Jaime who always guarded your brother's chambers. Both men stood there with their mouths hanging open.

You were shaking with anger as you made your way to your chambers. You would have thought Robert would understand, especially after what happened with Lyanna. He knew what love was, or at least he had once. You closed the door softly behind you and leaned your head back against it. "How's yer arm?" Sandor's voice made you jump. How hadn't you noticed him sitting on your bed? "It's fine. Robert would never really hurt me. Not physically anyway."

You closed the distance between you and climbed onto Sandor's lap. "Ya know the whole Keep heard yer yellin'," he said, settling his hands on your hips. "Did they?" You gave him a sly smile. You wrapped your arms around his neck and leaned in to kiss him. "Aye. They did." You could see the redness of his face and you chuckled. "I assume that means you did as well. Meaning you heard me say that I love you." Your voice went soft again as your usual confident demeanor slipping away slowly.

"I did." You bit your lip as you looked into the brown eyes that never failed to make you melt when the two of you were alone. Sandor was a man of very few words, but those eyes spoke volumes and just then, they were gazing at you like you were everything in the world. You didn't need words to know that he loved you too. You only needed those eyes and those lips that crashed into yours.

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