First Son (Jon Snow x wife!reader)

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You crossed your arms over your chest in anger as you glared at your new husband. Jon's dark eyes were full of defeat. "Why doesn't she have her own children?!" you practically shouted at him. You and the newly discovered Targaryen had an arranged marriage, but you'd come to love the man. Right now, however, you wanted nothing more than to throttle him. "Why should I give up my child for her? She is perfectly capable of taking a king and bearing children of her own!"

You had recently come to the realization you were with child and had excitedly told Jon, who reported it to his cousin, the new Queen of the Seven Kingdoms. The queen told Jon that, if the babe was a boy, Jon would have to allow Daenerys to groom the child to take over the Iron Throne. Daenerys would take your child as her own and you were furious the moment Jon told you.

"Y/N, please. She is the queen. You cannot deny her." His voice was soft and soothing, but you were having none of it. "Jon, this is our child! You cannot let her take them, whether it is a boy or not. Please, Jon...Queen Daenerys can have her own children. Why must she take ours?" You were no longer shouting, but nearly crying instead. Jon came over and wrapped his arms around you, resting his chin on the top of your head. "I know, love. I will talk to her."

You pulled back a bit to look at him. His nearly black eyes were full of sadness and regret. You shook your head. "No. I will speak with her. One woman to another." You hugged Jon tightly before pressing a kiss to the underside of his jaw. He growled a bit and attacked your neck with kisses causing you to giggle. "Go talk to her and then come back and finish what you just started," he told you, kissing you once more. You nodded and left your husband to go in search of the queen.

It didn't take you long to find her and when you did, your anger came back. "Your Grace, I must speak with you," you said through gritted teeth. Daenerys took once glance at your face and agreed. The moment you were alone, you turned on her. "What gives you the right to take a child from its mother?" She blinked rapidly at you. "I am the queen." You scoffed and rolled your eyes. "And that means you are allowed to take my child from me? From Jon? How would you feel if someone took one of your dragons from you, oh great Mother of Dragons?"

Daenerys stared, contemplating what you were saying. After several moments of silence, she said, "I must have an heir." You couldn't help the raise in your voice as you explained yet again that she could have children of her own. She watched as you tried to stay calm. It wasn't good for the baby for you to get too upset.

You sat down in the nearest chair and fought back the tears that threatened to fall. Daenerys sat down across from you and the two of you spoke at length. You pleaded your case to her as calmly as you possibly could. When you finished, Daenerys said, "I will take your feelings into consideration." You got up to leave. You were too tired to fight anymore and at least she would think about what you said. That was all you could have hoped for.

You found yourself back in your chambers where Jon was waiting for you. He looked at you expectantly. You didn't say anything as you removed your gown and donned your nightdress. You crawled into bed next to Jon and snuggled into his waiting arms. Jon listened intently as you told him what had happened, his arms tightening around you as he felt your body begin to shake with sobs.

He kissed your temple and assured you that he would talk to Daenerys again and try to convince her. "If she refuses, we will leave. I am certain Sansa will make a place for us at Winterfell." You lifted your head to gaze into his eyes. "Truly?" He gave you a rare smile. "Of course. I would do anything for you and for our child." You kissed him deeply, wrapping your arm around his neck. When you broke apart, you gave him a cheeky grin. "I think it's time to finish what I started earlier, don't you?" Jon grabbed your hips and your giggles were heard down the corridors. 

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