Councilor (Jon Snow x fem!reader)

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You sat next to your lady, quietly observing the three people in front of you. They had come to ask for men to fight with them. One was an older gentleman and there was also a younger lady, but the one that caught your attention was a young man. He had dark curls pulled back from him face and nearly black eyes. There was a scar above one eye, but it didn't detract from his looks. You swooned almost instantly. Jon Snow, the bastard of Eddard Stark, had come to your lady Lyanna Mormont.

You listened intently as the three pleaded their case, fighting a smile every time Lady Lyanna would fire back. For one so young, she was a fierce and protective leader. Everyone at the table continued to try and advise the young leader, but she would have none of it. Finally, she turned to you. You were the only woman on her council and she appreciated your advice above all others. "What say you, Lady Y/N?" her voice interrupted you observations.

Without missing a beat, you answered her. "I agree with Ser Davos. If we send out our men, we may lose a few, if not all of them, but if we sit and do nothing, we will all surely die," you said smoothly as if you hadn't just been staring at Jon. Lyanna nodded in agreement and offered a small Mormont army to help take back Winterfell. Before leaving the room, Jon gave you a look of gratitude. You simply gave him a nod and watched as he left the room.

Later that evening, you were heading to your chambers when a deep voice stopped you. "Thank you, my lady." You turned and found Jon standing there with a grateful smile on his face. "I did nothing," you said softly, not wanting your voice to carry and wake everyone. "You convinced your lady to help us." You shook your head. "I convinced my lady to help herself. To help Bear Island." Jon chuckled quietly. "Nevertheless, thank you. We need every sword we can get."

You frowned when he said that. It made the situation feel more real. "We are going to die, aren't we?" you asked quietly. You looked into his dark eyes and saw the weariness in them. "It is possible. Very possible. Then again, we may live. If we do die, we will go down fighting." You nodded and stifled a yawn. "You will be careful, won't you, Jon Snow?" His brows furrowed in confusion and he wondered why you would care. He made no promise, knowing it was not guaranteed that he would survive.

The next morning, you set out with your lady and her army. There was no way you were going to let her go out on her own, lady or not. When he wasn't strategizing, Jon was spending time with you and Ser Davos. Like Lady Lyanna, Jon had come to appreciate your council. In truth, he'd come to simply enjoy being around you. For the most part, you had a calming presence. You also were able to keep Jon from getting stuck in his own head too often. You traveled with the army for weeks before the actual battle for Winterfell began and Lady Lyanna ordered you to stay behind. You prayed to the old gods and the new that she would be safe...and Jon too.

*after the battle*

You urged your horse through the gates of Winterfell. They had won! Winterfell once again belonged to the Starks. "Lady Y/N!" you heard Lady Lyanna's voice call out. You quickly dismounted and made your way over to her. "My lady, are you alright?" She glared at you for a moment. "Stop fussing. I am unharmed." You chuckled to yourself and went to say something in your defense when you heard another voice.

"Lady Y/N!" You whipped your head around and saw Jon jogging up to you. He was covered in blood and filth, but he had a small smile on his face. "You are alive," you said, beaming up at him. "I am. And so are you. For moment, I thought you would ignore Lady Mormont's orders." Lady Lyanna laughed and replied, "It would not be the first time." She flashed you a smile before turning and walking away to check on her men.

You and Jon stood on the ramparts overlooking the crowd of men that had fought for Jon. "They will follow you now, Jon. All of them. Lady Mormont will follow you," you whispered to him. "And you?" You turned your head to look at him. He was already watching your face. Jon's heart was pounding in his chest. When he came out of the battle alive, Jon realized that life was indeed shorter than most people realized and sometimes, a little risk was required. Feelings could not remain unsaid.

"I...will go where my Lady Mormont bids me," you answered diplomatically, your own heart thundering away. "Y/N, I know this is forward, but I do not wish for you to return to Bear Island. I want you to remain here in Winterfell. With me," Jon said so quickly you almost didn't understand. Almost. "That is indeed forward, Jon." He sighed sadly.

"I have gotten to know you these few weeks and I cannot deny that I have strong feelings for you. If I am going to continue to fight, I want to know I have something to fight for. That I have you to fight for." You were taken back by his confession. For a moment, you were uncertain about what to say. "Jon, my place is with Lady Mormont." He lowered his head in defeat. "Then you must stay with her." You took his hand in yours and squeezed gently.

"Lady Mormont is here now and will not leave anytime soon. Perhaps, by the time she is prepared to journey home, she will no longer need my services," you said. His eyes lit up with something he had not had since he left Winterfell for the Wall. Hope. "I pray that is so. I do not think I could part with you easily." You laughed and wrapped your arms around him. You didn't care that he was still coated in blood. You needed to be close to him.

"May I kiss you?" he asked. You used your handkerchief to wipe the blood from his lips before you nodded. He leaned in and pressed his lips to you in an urgent kiss. It was as if he was afraid you'd disappear. You could sense every single emotion Jon was feeling as he kissed you and you reveled in it. If this was what love felt like, then you were certain you could never get enough. 

GoT One-Shots!Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora