Faceless; Forgotten (Jaqen H'ghar x fem!reader)

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You were busy cleaning a table when he wandered into the inn. You glanced up just as his eyes met yours and for a moment, you were frozen. His gaze was captivating. "Y/N!" a voice snapped you out of your thoughts. You turned to find the innkeeper's wife watching you and smiling. You returned the smile and walked over to her. "You should serve him, Y/N. He seems just as interested in you as you are in him," she whispered. You rolled your eyes but headed over to the strangers table anyway.

"Good evening," you greeted cheerfully. Those startling eyes met your (e/c) ones again. "A woman has beautiful eyes," he said as if reading your mind. "Um...thank you. What can I do for you?" you asked him, trying your hardest to stay in your work mind-set. He quickly ordered in his unusual way of speaking. You could feel his eyes on you as you walked away and for the rest of the evening until you went home. Those eyes haunted your dreams that night and for many nights to come.

*time skip brought to you by Ghost*

He'd been staying at the inn for weeks and he was different. His strange way of speaking had changed. He no longer spoke in the third person and he quit disappearing for hours at a time. One day, you took a break and you asked him about it. "Good afternoon, Y/N." You flashed him a smile and he motioned to the seat across from him, indicating that you should sit. "Hello, Jaqen." He grin at you. "You are wondering about me," he said plainly and all you could do was nod.

Jaqen watched your face as he told you everything about himself. About who he was before he met you. A Faceless assassin that kill hundreds of men. Never once did your face show an ounce of disgust or fear. He only saw curiosity and adoration. "You are not afraid?" he asked when he finished. You shook your head. "The men you killed were bad men, Jaqen. Rapists, murderers and cheats. You were protecting the innocent," you told him softly before getting up to return to work.

Jaqen grabbed your hand as you passed. "Thank you," he whispered. He let go of your hand and watched as you went about your business. For the first time since he became a Faceless Man, Jaqen felt something different. He couldn't be that way around you. It was as if he forgot how to be faceless and he didn't want to remember. Jaqen wanted a normal life...with you if he could. So, when you were done for the day, he followed you out the door. "Y/N," he said softly, but loud enough to catch your attention.

You stopped walking and turned to him. "Did you need something, Jaqen?" He looked down at you, some of his red and white hair falling in his face. "I needed to tell you something," he replied nervously. He couldn't believe that he was so nervous. He had been on thousands of missions and killed hundreds of men but he was nervous to tell you how he felt. "What is it, Jaqen?"

"I am leaving the order of the Faceless Men. I cannot kill for them anymore. I have forgotten how to be faceless. How to be no one," he spoke quickly, yet calmly. You blinked up at him. "Are you certain that's what you want? I mean, it's all you've ever known, Jaqen," you answered in disbelief. You knew people could change, but you never one could change so quickly. "I am certain. My desire now lies elsewhere." You nodded and reached up to move his hair from his face.

"Ifyou are positive that is what you want, then do what you must. Just know thatyou have a friend in me," you told him with a smile. Jaqen bowed his headand turned to go back inside. Then your brain made a connection. "Wait,Jaqen! You said your desire lies elsewhere! Where?" you asked him. Helooked over his shoulder at you. "With you," he replied with a smilebefore entering the inn and leaving you standing there with your mouth agape.tats>

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