Change for the Better (Ramsay Bolton x fem!reader)

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Ramsay was better than this. You knew it. How was it possible for one man to be so kind and loveable one moment and a complete sadist the next? You had to stop yourself from visibly wincing as another innocent man was being flayed. This war was taking its toll on everyone, even you. When it started, Ramsay had insisted on bringing you to his castle. He said it was for your protection and you believed him. Why wouldn't you?

Ramsay had been your friend when you were growing up. You looked out for each other. He brought out your adventurous side and you showed him that even a bastard can be loved. Now, here you were, together again and all you wanted to do was run away and you did. You just couldn't stomach watching the flaying for another moment. You ran to your chambers and slammed the door, fighting the bile rising up in your throat. Why didn't Ramsay see that there was no reason to treat people this way?

You heard a familiar knock on the door. Ramsay. Before you could answer, he opened the door. "Lady Y/N? Why did you leave? Are you ill?" You quirked your eyebrow. Why was he only this kind behind closed doors and only with you? "I am ill. Looking upon that sight has made me ill. How can you be so cruel, Ramsay? What kind of man takes pleasure in ripping the skin off of another living person?" You were too busy telling him off to notice that Ramsay had closed the distance between you.

Suddenly, Ramsay's hand was around your throat and he was squeezing. "Enough. This is how you repay my kindness?!" he spat at you. You brought your knee up to his gut and he let go. "I am not Myranda. I'm not your little toy that you can throw away when you get bored, Ramsay. What has happened to you?" He smirked for a moment before registering the look of pain on your face. "Y/N...I never wanted to be this, but they need to understand that House Bolton now controls these lands. If I have to flay everyone of them for respect, then so be it!"

"And what will you do when there is no one left to destroy? No one left to show you respect or to honor you?" you asked quietly. Ramsay paused, unsure how to answer. He really hadn't thought about it that way before. "What can I do? My father-" You cut him off, "You are not your father, my darling. You are your own man and you do not have to be like him." He gazed down at your face and saw the fire in your (e/c) eyes. "Help me, Y/N. Help me."

That was the Ramsay you knew and loved. The broken man in front of you. You took his hand and sat down on the bed. "Ramsay, show them the kindness you show me. You will win more respect with love than with fear. You want to earn that respect and love, not extort it." Ramsay looked at you, his eyes filling with guilt as he saw the bruise forming on your neck. "Can you do that for me? Be the man I know you can be."

Ramsay took in everything you said and nodded. You breathed a sigh of relief. While there were still times when you were afraid of Ramsay, you tried to see the good in people and Ramsay was no different. You gave him a smile before a knock at the door interrupted your moment. The gentle smile on Ramsay's face instantly transformed back into a sneer as the door opened. It was Myranda. You scowled. It wasn't often that you met a person you truly hated, but you despised Myranda.

She had a horrible influence on Ramsay. Instead of encouraging him to change, she went along with Ramsay's sadistic behavior and even assisted him. Ramsay smirked at her as he rose from the bed. You shook your head. "Ramsay, please remember what I told you," you begged as you swept passed the two of them and out of the room. Ramsay watched you leave before looking at Myranda again. "Leave," he said and shoved her from the room.

Ramsay stayed in your chambers, pacing back and forth. Was it actually possible? Could he change and be the man you wanted him to be? Could he be the man you thought he really was? Maybe he could, but he knew that he couldn't do it alone. He quickly ran to find you. You were everything he wasn't and he just knew that you could help him be a better man. You could help him change.


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