Labeled (Tyrion Lannister x fem!Snow reader)

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Throughout your life, you'd been labeled, the most common being "bastard daughter." The people of Winterfell looked down on you and your twin brother, Jon because you weren't legitimate child of Lord Eddard Stark. While they never said anything in front of your father, the villagers would always gossip behind your back or make disparaging comments when they thought you couldn't hear them. It was even worse at home. At least among the people, you knew what they were thinking and you could easily retort with some sarcastic remark. You couldn't do that at home. Not with Catelyn.

It was no secret that Catelyn Stark had no love for you or Jon. Your very existence reminded her that her husband had been unfaithful once. While she would never say she hated you outright, her actions and the way she talked to you spoke volumes. So, you did your best to avoid her whenever possible. Even though you didn't get on with Catelyn, you had a wonderful relationship with your father and with your siblings. At that moment, you were being nudged by Jon's elbow as you stuck your foot out to trip your youngest sister Arya who playfully glared at you before sticking her tongue out.

It was the feast for the royal family and you were desperate to leave the hall. One look at Jon and you could tell he felt the same. You nudged him back gently and indicated to the door with your head. You weren't outside long when a voice interrupted your conversation with Jon. Well, the argument you were having with him. He'd just told you that he planned on going to The Wall. "Trouble in paradise?" the voice asked. You whipped around to find Tyrion Lannister standing there with a smirk on his face.

You glanced at the smaller man and quirked a brow. "I believe I missed the part where that is any of your business, Lord Tyrion Lannister," you retorted sarcastically, crossing your arms over your chest. "And I do believe I missed when it was proper for a bastard to address a Lord with such distaste, but considering the fact I'm no better than a bastard in my father's eyes, I shall ignore your rudeness," he quickly replied in the same sarcastic manner, casting a glance between you and Jon. You tried to fight the upturn of your lips, but you couldn't. The only other person to respond to your sarcasm that way was Robb and only on occasion. From that moment, you and Tyrion Lannister clicked.

Over the course of the royal family's stay, you grew close to the youngest Lannister. You had similar personalities. You would sit for hours joking with Tyrion, but you both thoroughly enjoyed a battle of wits. Sarcastic remarks were flown back and forth between the two of you for days. By the time Tyrion was prepared to leave for The Wall with Uncle Benjen and Jon, everyone in Winterfell was cheering for an end of the smart remarks. You, however, never wanted this time with him to end.

For once in your life, you felt that someone else understood what it meant to have a label forced on you. Tyrion helped you to understand that you were no more responsible for being born a bastard than he was for being born a dwarf. You realized that you had it better than he did. He was labeled by everyone, including his family. He'd explained to you that the only reason he was still alive was because he had been lucky enough to be born a Lannister. When the time came for him to leave, you were struggling to fight back tears. Not only was your twin leaving, so was your only friend.

"LadyY/N," Tyrion's voice came from behind you. You turned and gave him a sadsmile. "I'm no lady," you quipped before bending down to wrap yourarms around him in a tight hug. "Be safe, my lord. I would be simplymortified to know something happened to my favorite imp," you whisperedwith a laugh. He chuckled in response, patting your back softly. You heard Jonclear his throat. "I'd like to bid my sister farewell, my lord."Tyrion let you go with a grin and said, "All yours, Snow." Yougiggled and held your brother close. When you let go, you looked back to Tyrionand said, "Keep him safe, would you? It would be Jon's luck to freeze onthe way North." Jon rolled his eyes and mounted his horse as Tyrion placeda kiss to your hand. "Good-bye, my lady. I shall see you again."     

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