Betrayer's Sister (Robb Stark x fem!Greyjoy reader)

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(WARNINGS: Red Wedding mentions again!)

You were shaking like a leaf when they stormed into Robb's tent. Word of your brother's deeds had traveled quickly. He'd taken Winterfell right out from under Robb's nose and the bannermen held you responsible as well. After all, it only takes one rotten apple to ruin the bunch. You had come into Robb's tent to explain that you had no idea that Theon was going to do that. You had no part of it. You could see a glimmer of belief in Robb's Tully blue eyes, but you soon lost hope as the bannermen entered the tent, entreating Robb to kill you for your brother's actions.

One of the men crossed the tent to where you were and grabbed you by the elbow. "I wonder how Greyjoy would feel about seeing his sister's head on a spike?" Your eyes went wide with fear for a brief moment until Robb let out something akin to a growl. "Let her go. She is not the one who betrayed us. Lady Y/N will not be held accountable for Theon's deception." You simply stood there speechless as the man let go of your arm and left the tent. From that moment on, you were assigned a personal guard. In truth, Robb's actions confused you.

A few days later, you decided to ask him about it. He made a habit of coming to your tent at the end of every day to check on you. When he came that night, you interrupted his usual questions by asking one of your own. "Why did you stop them, Robb? Not that I am ungrateful. I rather like my head where it is, but you did not have to save me." You watched as Robb's expression turned sullen. You gazed at the face of the young man you'd grown up with. The face that was aged beyond his years.

"Theon's choice was not yours. It was not your fault, Y/N and I would not see you executed for something you did not do. I care for you as I always have and as long as I can prevent it, no one will harm you." You thought he was hiding something, but you didn't press the issue. He'd answered your question and that was all that mattered. Instead, you gave him a smile and a nod. "Thank you, Robb." He kissed your forehead and left your tent. That night, you fell asleep with a thousand jumbled thoughts buzzing around in your brain. It would take weeks for those thoughts to become clear.

*time skip*

You nearly screamed as an arrow went whizzing past your head. You had to get to Robb. The Freys and Boltons were allied with Lannisters after all. How many could betray one person?! All you knew was, in that moment, Robb and his mother were in danger and you had to help if you could. You'd never been more grateful for training than you were that night. You cut down as many people as you could, making your way over to Robb and Catelyn.

When you were close enough, you snuck behind Walder Frey and laid your blade against his throat. No one could see you from your hiding spot. "Call them off or I will cut your throat." The old man wheezed out a laugh. "You do that, girl and my soldiers will be all over you in minutes." You scoffed. "I don't care. You have offended the gods, killing your guests. The men and women that have taken food and drink under your roof," you hissed.

"I let you go and the Lannisters will have my head on a spike." In response, you dug your blade deeper."And if you don't, I will cut your head clean off here and now. At least with the Lannisters, you'll have time to concoct a story." You were through playing. "Alright. Alright." Walder Frey called out to his men to cease their actions. You smirked. You had known he'd value his own life above Robb's. Roose Bolton looked at him as though he were mad and turned to him in surprise.

You had pulled your blade away from his throat and, in the chaos that ensued, you were able to sneak Robb and Catelyn out. Once outside, the three of you ran for the stables. You needed horses and quickly. You didn't expect to run into young Arya and the Hound. "We have to move! They will not be far behind!" you ordered sharply, surprising even yourself. No one argued though and soon, all five of you were riding away from the Twins as quickly as possible.

You rode for days before your little group felt safe enough to stop. Only then did Robb say what was on his mind. "You saved us, Y/N. There are no words to express my gratitude." The words sounded so broken, yet stoic and rehearsed. "I merely repaid the kindness you showed me, Robb," you whispered, although there was no need. The pair of you were far enough away from your camp, the others could not hear you.

Robb simply stared at you and you stared back. There was that spark again. The one you'd been feelings for weeks now. Well, in reality, you'd felt it for years but you could not place it. Looking into Robb's eyes, you could see he felt it too. Your breath hitched as he regarded you closely and, before you realized it was happening, you were both leaning in.

Robb's lips met yours and you felt fireworks. It was a sweet and gentle kiss, but that didn't stop you from feeling the love in it. This kiss wasn't rushed or too heated. It was the kind of kiss you only read about. The kind that makes you long for the fairytales to be real. It was everything. Your hands automatically rested on Robb's chest while his settled on your waist. There was no one else in that moment. Just you and Robb.


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