Family Troubles (Samwell Tarly x fem!reader)

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The raised voices of your family carried through the halls of your home as you made your way to the dining hall to break your fast. The servants all averted their gazes when you passed. This was normal for your family. The fighting was getting worse every week and unfortunately there was nothing you could do. You held your breath as you moved to open the doors of the hall, but stopped short when you heard your name.

"She cannot refuse. It is her duty to her family," your mother was saying and you just knew she was talking about arranging a marriage for you. Again. "I will not force my eldest daughter into marriage to someone that pompous. She deserves better." Their voices began getting louder again, but the words were drowned out by the pounding of your heart. You suddenly didn't feel hungry anymore so you did the only thing you could do. You turned and ran from the castle.

Your feet carried you to the stable, where you mounted your horse and rode off. You rode to the one place you knew you were always welcome. Horn Hill. To your best friend, Samwell. The servants showed you into the library of Horn Hill where you sat and waited for Sam. This was your sanctuary. Yours and his.

The door opened and Sam appeared. "Sam," you greeted, your voice full of tears. Without a word, Sam closed the door and opened his arms. You immediately walked over to him and let him wrap his arms around you. You loved hugging Sam. His bigger body was more comforting to you. It was like hugging a big teddy bear.

"Hey, hey. It's alright," Sam cooed. He knew how bad it could get when your family fought. He simply held you for a few minutes until you had calmed down enough to explain what happened. "What happened, Y/N?" You quickly explained what happened as Sam continued to hold you close. "I'm sorry. I'm sure it will work out." You shook your head. "No it won't. Not until I've wed." Sam grew silent for a moment, causing you to pull back and look at him. There was a sadness in his eyes you weren't used to.

"What is it, Sam?" He sighed and kissed your temple. "You know...there was a time I thought about it. Marriage, I mean. To you." You blinked up at him. You and Sam had been friends for a while now, but you never thought he'd had those kind of feelings for you. You certainly weren't opposed to the idea. Who better to marry than the man who knew everything about you? Who understood you and was your best friend?

"What changed your mind?" you asked timidly, not sure you wanted to know the answer. "My father. He is insisting I take the Black." Your heart sank. "The Black? Why would he want you to take the Black?" Sam sighed heavily. "I'm not worthy of being his heir in his eyes. So, he wants me to take the Black so he can name Dickon his heir." You wrapped your arms around his neck again. "I'm sorry, Sam."

For the next several minutes, the two of you stood in that library in each other's arms. Both of you let out all the pent up feelings you'd been holding back. While the tears flowed, the gears in your mind turned. When you cried yourself out, you pulled away from Sam and gazed into his dark eyes. Before you even realized what you were saying, you opened your mouth to speak. "Run away with me."

Sam's jaw nearly hit the floor. "Do you realize what you're suggesting?" You nodded. "I-I can't run away, Y/N. I'd have no way to support you. I can't do anything." You smiled at him. "Yes you can, Sam. You are so intelligent. I know you can do anything you put your mind to. Please? Run away with me." Sam looked torn between the idea of a future with you and obeying his father.

You untangled yourself from your best friend's arms and walked toward the door. "I must return home, but I'm leaving tomorrow night. I'll be waiting in the stables two hours after dark if you wish to join me. If not, I'll understand and wish you the best. But I truly hope you will come with me." With that, you left the room and headed home. When the following night came, you snuck out of the castle down to where your horse was waiting. You only hoped Sam would meet you soon before you lost your chance.

Meanwhile,Sam was in his chambers pacing back and forth trying to decided whether or not he should leave with you. He wanted to, desperately, but he was a coward. He knew it. Everyone knew it. Sighing, Sam picked up his pack and left his chambers. As he walked toward the doors, the debate continued. Should he take the cart sitting right outside or should he go to the stables and mount his horse? Sam set one foot outside and made his decision. Tightening his grip on his pack, Sam climbed onto the cart.50&��T����

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