In His Arms (Jon Snow x fem!reader)

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(a/n: SPOILERS for season 6!!)

There was no denying you were frightened. You never thought you'd be back in Winterfell after you escaped with Bran and Rickon, yet here you were, chained in a cell awaiting your fate. Lord Karstark had found you with Osha and Rickon. He immediately turned you over to Ramsay Bolton who threw you and Rickon in a cell and killed Osha. You were now trying to console Rickon. You weren't able to talk long before the door of your cell swung open and guards pulled you both out.

You fought against the guard, but he was much larger than you were. They tied ropes around your and Rickon's hands and lead you outside where a large army was preparing to march out of Winterfell. You looked at Rickon, your eyes filled with hope. If they were preparing for battle, then Jon had to be close. He just had to be. It seemed like so long ago since you last set eyes on your lover the morning he left for the Wall.


Jon leaned in and pressed his forehead to yours. "I love you, Jon Snow. Never forget that, even after you take your vows. Remember that you are loved," you whispered to him, your eyes slowly filling with tears. Once Jon took his vows, he could never marry you as you talked about once upon a time when you were younger and more naive. "And I love you, Y/N. I wish you all the happiness." You kissed him deeply and passionately. That was the last time you saw him.

*end flashback.*

Rickon's voice brought you out of your thoughts. "Do you think it's Jon?" he whispered and you nodded slightly. You didn't want to get his hopes up, but as you looked down at your torn and filthy dress, you prayed you were right. "Lady Y/N, Lord Stark," Ramsay's voice sounded sickeningly sweet as he spoke. He gave the guards a nod and left the two of you with the guards.

Moments later, you and Rickon were being pulled up to Ramsay's horse at the front of his army. You could make out the outline of another army across the green field that would soon be covered in snow. Ramsay took out a knife and you flinched. Ramsay smirked at you. He cut the ropes off Rickon's wrists and then yours. "Run to your brother, Lord Stark. Lady Y/N, run with him." You knew he was up to something, but you and Rickon began walking toward the other army.

"No, no. You have to run. That's the rules," Ramsay ordered. You looked over your shoulder and saw Ramsay now held a bow. Your breath picked up and you began to run with Rickon. You had to run twice as fast to keep up with his long legs. The cringed when you heard the first arrow whizzing past. "Go, Rickon!" you cried as your legs continued pumping. In front of you, you could see a figure hurrying toward you on a horse.

Arrow after arrow flew by until one hit Rickon in the leg. You stopped and threw his arm around you. You were determined to get him to Jon. You felt an arrow sink into the flesh of your arm and you screamed. Another arrow hit Rickon in the back. He fell forward taking you with him. The thundering of horse hooves grew closer. You tried to pick yourself up but another arrow got your back and then another just as the hooves stopped.

You looked up and saw the face of the man you wanted to see more than anything in the world. "Y/N?" His voice was soft and broken. "J-Jon, my l-love." Jon scanned your dirty face down to your chest and stomach. The blood was now staining your dress red. "Forgive me, Y/N. I should not have left you." You chuckled weakly. "Oh, my dearest, Jon. T-there is nothing to f-forgive. Take back Winterfell and save the rest of your family. Sansa, Arya and Bran." Jon felt his own eyes welling up with tears. He'd already lost so much and now he was going to lose you and Rickon on the same day.

"J-Jon? Promise me you will be happy. Promise me," your said, your voice getting weaker by the second. Jon nodded and promised. You gave him a smile and coughed. "I love you, Jon Snow. Forever." He touched his forehead to yours and whispered, "I love you, Y/N." He pulled back. "Y/N?" You were no longer breathing, the look of joy mixed with pain frozen on your face forever. "I love you," he whispered again, pressing a kiss to your now bloodied lips. He laid you down gently and rose to his feet. He unsheathed his sword, ready to fight. He was going to avenge your and Rickon's death. He was going to take back Winterfell and keep his promise to you.


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