Nobility to Wildling (Jon Snow x fem!reader)

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You were running. It was your only choice after Ned Stark's execution, or rather, his murder. Why did you have to go to King's Landing? You should have stayed home, or even in Winterfell with Lady Stark! But no, you had to journey with Lord Stark and his daughters to King's Landing. You had to leave the safety of the North and the company of your loved ones, one young man in particular. Jon Snow.

You'd fallen for the bastard of the North many moons ago and it nearly killed you to leave him. However, when he told you that he planned to take the Black, you made up your mind to go to King's Landing. How could you stay? Now, you regretted the decision. There was no possible way for you to be safe if you remained in the city, so you ran and the only thought going through your mind was that you had to get to Jon. You had to tell him what had happened. You just had to get to Castle Black.

You knew you couldn't take the most direct route. Joffrey Baratheon would have your head as well if he caught you. So, you opted to find an easier, albeit longer way to the Wall. You would soon wish you hadn't. You could tell by the shift in the air that you were getting close and you nearly rejoiced. That is, until you felt the stinging cold of metal being pressed into your neck. Wildlings.

*time skip*

The Wildlings had decided not to kill you, for which you were grateful. They did, however, insist that you join their ranks. You were made to leave all traces of your nobility behind and live as Wildling. You had to live and work with them and soon, that became your normal. You even stopped using the term "Wildling" and began saying "Free Folk". Yet, all the while, all you could think about was escape. Of ways to get to Jon.

You played your part well and soon, the Wildlings accepted you as one of them and gave you more free reign. It had taken months, but you were finally able to do things without a guard on your tail all day. You gave it a few weeks more before you put your plan into action. After all, you had to figure out exactly which direction to go to get to Castle Black. Only then, could you make a run for it. And your opportunity soon arrived.

You were given the opportunity to hunt and you took it willingly. You had a plan and you prayed to any and every god there was that you'd be successful. Once deep enough in the woods, you took a deep breath and used your dagger to cut your palm, drawing blood. You purposely let blood drip onto the snow, making sure that, if anyone were to search for you, they'd find enough blood to make them believe you were dead. After all, you weren't a true Wildling. You didn't have the same grit or survival skills they did. It was quite possible for you to die out there.

When you were satisfied, you sat down on the ground and dragged your heels in the snow, hoping to make it look like you'd been dragged away. You smiled to yourself for a job well done. Then, you took off your heavy furs and began walking in the general direction of Castle Black. You used your furs to erase your footprints behind you until you were certain no one would be able to follow you. You may not have been a Wildling, but you were certainly intelligent enough to survive longer than most people thought you would. Now, you only had to get to Castle Black and Jon Snow.

You walked for days, not stopping to sleep or eat. You just couldn't bring yourself to stop moving. You could almost see your destination and you were more determined than ever to get there. Unfortunately for you, the human body required certain things and you weren't giving yours what it needed. That is how you found yourself falling face first into the white blanket that covered the ground.

You didn't know how long you were unconscious, but you were strangely warm when you woke up. Your eyes slowly peeled open and you realized you were in someone's chambers, on their bed. You blinked a few times before slowly sitting up and looking around the room. "You're awake." You almost smiled at the sound of the familiar voice. "Jon," you breathed out.

The man in question gave you a small smile as he walked over to the bed. "How did I get here?" you asked just before Jon set a tray down on your lap. "Eat." You sighed and repeated your question. "The Rangers found you beyond the Wall. What were you doing out there, my lady?" You scoffed and replied, "Can you not tell? I am not a lady. I'm one of the Free Folk." Even Jon could hear the sarcasm dripping from your voice and he simply waited for you to answer him truthfully.

You took a bite of the bread on the tray before beginning your tale. The tale of how you'd been forced to flee King's Landing and then ended up being kidnapped by the Wildlings. Of how you'd become one of them and your sly escape. "They could have killed you." You shrugged. "I was as careful as I could have been. Maybe I have a bit of Wildling in my blood after all." Jon chuckled softly. "You certainly have the stubbornness of one. Now eat." You rolled your eyes, but did what he said.

Jon sat in a chair close to the bed and kept an eye on you as his mind wandered. He couldn't believe all that you'd been through. You, a higher born woman, had run away from everything you'd known, tricked the Wildlings into trusting you and escaped them just to find him. He knew there would be problems with the Wildlings if they ever found you, but for now, Jon was just glad you were safe. Now it was possible for him to tell you of the feelings he'd always had for you. He almost laughed at the thought.

Jon had already made up his mind that he was finished with the Night's Watch. After all, he'd technically died. His watch had ended. He could leave and take you with him. He could lavish every ounce of love he had on you if you'd accept it. The feeling that erupted in his gut made his face break out in a grin. You looked at him curiously, but Jon said nothing, content with the thoughts in his head.

(a/n: This has been on my list since September and that is unacceptable!! I just couldn't figure out how to write it.) 

GoT One-Shots!Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora