Under His Care (Robb Stark x fem!reader)

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Robb heard your sniffles through the closed door and his brows furrowed. Were you crying? He knocked on your door, opening it when you called out to him. "Still abed, Y/N?" he asked jokingly, earning a playful glare from you. "Yes," you replied in a hoarse whisper. "Robb frowned at the sound. "Are you alright?" You shook your head and brought your handkerchief up to your nose in time for a rather loud sneeze to erupt from you.

"Oh, Y/N. You are ill." You nodded and sneezed again. Robb came closer to you and kissed your temple. "Then in bed you shall stay. I shall inform Mother and Father. I will check in on you." Another kiss and he left you alone to fall back against your pillows. You couldn't help but smile. Robb always took care of you and you appreciated it so much. Before you knew it, you had fallen back to sleep.

You woke up to a knock at your door. The sun had already set. Robb appeared with a smile and a maid carrying a tray. "I thought you would enjoy some broth with vegetables. Mother insists it will aide your recovery." The maid set the tray down, curtsied and exited the room. Robb came over to the bed and crawled in next to you. "Eat, love." You nodded and began to eat slowly, comforted by Robb's presence next to you.

As you ate, you asked Robb to tell you about his day. He smiled at your consideration and courtesy. Robb counted himself lucky that he was betrothed to you. Many young men and women were arranged to marry people that they had no connection with. "Well, Bran and Arya are improving with their archery practice. Sansa's needlework she did today is her best yet although she told me she missed you there. Arya too. Rickon spent the day training Shaggydog."

You listened intently, resting your head on Robb's shoulder after you finished eating. He pressed a kiss to the top of your head. After talking with him for a while, you felt your eyelids growing heavy again. Robb chuckled softly. "I'll let you sleep, love. Hopefully, you will feel better in the morning." He got up and let you snuggle back down into the pillows and furs. Robb leaned down and kissed your cheek as he pulled your furs up over you. "Sleep well, my love," he whispered, but you were already asleep. Laughing quietly to himself, Robb stood back up and left the room, softly closing the door behind him.

The next morning, you still felt terrible, but you got up out of bed and made your way to Robb's chambers. You knocked on the door. Hearing Robb groan, you opened the door to find him sitting up in bed. He gave you a sleepy smile and you pouted playfully. "Oh, my love," you said softly. He opened his arms,prompting you to cross the room and crawled into bed with him. Wrapping his arms around you, Robb laid back down and closed his eyes. "I blame you for this," he declared and you nodded against his chest. "Fair enough. Go back to sleep, Robb." Soon, snores from both of you filled the room.9Ln

(a/n: Alright, lovelies! This is the 200th part in this book so I will be marking it as completed. I will be posting another book with the next one-shot in a couple of days so keep an eye out :D The first fic in the new book will be another fluffy Robb one! The next book is GoT One-Shots Book 2!) 

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