Stranger (Sandor Clegane x fem!Stark reader)

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You sat in front of Sandor Clegane on his horse. The two of you had been riding for days after fleeing from King's Landing. Sandor had saved you from the Battle at the Blackwater. He tried to convince your younger sister Sansa to come along as well, but she refused to leave. So, that left the two of you. You shifted slightly, growing uncomfortable in the saddle. "Sit still, woman," he grumbled to you.

You looked over your shoulder and glared at him. "Well forgive me for trying to get comfortable!" You were usually more level headed, but you hadn't slept much. Sandor grunted before pulling his horse to a stop. He dismounted and placed his hands on your hips to help you down. "Stretch yer legs," he ordered, gruffly. You did as he said, watching as he moved toward the front of his horse, whispering to him.

"Does he have a name?" you asked suddenly. Had Sandor been anyone else, he would have jumped at the sudden sound of your voice. As it was, he looked at you like you'd grown another head. You moved to the other side of the horse so you could look at Sandor while still stroking the horses neck. You gazed up into Sandor's brown eyes, waiting for his answer. "Stranger." You smiled and gave a nod before turning your attention back to the horse.

Sandor watched in curiosity as you whispered to Stranger, smiling slightly as you continued to stroke his black hair. It was the first time Sandor had seen you smile since your father's execution. After a couple of minutes, Sandor picked you up and set you back on the horse before climbing up behind you. You began asking him more questions, trying to get him to open up. After a while, you grew frustrated and gave up.

Sandor reveled in the quiet when you finally decided to stop talking. Soon, he felt your weight shift again. He was about to complain when he looked down and realized you'd fallen asleep. He was surprised it hadn't happened long before then. You'd been awake for so long, exhaustion had finally won out. Sandor took a moment to study your face. It was still youthful, but there were worry lines etched in the corners of your mouth and forehead that were out of place. You were covered in dirt and grime from days of traveling.

As the sun began to set, Sandor began to feel his own exhaustion. He realized that he needed to stop and make camp before he too fell asleep on Stranger. Sandor pulled to a stop again and carefully dismounted. He kept one hand on your back making sure you didn't fall. Then, he slowly lifted you into his arms off Stranger's back and found a place free of rocks and branches to lay you down while he got everything settled.

As soon as Stranger was free of his burden, he trotted nearer to you, as if he was trying to protect you. The action confused Sandor. Stranger didn't normally act that way. Still, Sandor shrugged it off, knowing he needed to sleep to prepare for a another day of riding. One last glance at your sleeping form and Sandor settled in for the night.

The next morning, Sandor woke to your voice. You were already awake and were talking to Stranger. "Such a majestic creature, aren't you?" Sandor sat up and his eyes immediately found you. "Good morrow, Sandor," you greeted. For someone in your position, you seemed determined to remain positive. Sandor said nothing, as usual. Just watched you. You gave him a smile before turning back to Stranger, the common love between the two of you.


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