Consequences(No real pairing, fem!Stark!reader)

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You'd had a sinking feeling in your stomach from the moment you arrived in King's Landing with your father and sisters. Your father, Lord Eddard Stark had been named Hand of the King and insisted on bringing his daughters with him. You'd left your twin brother Robb in Winterfell and made the long trip to the Red Keep. You began seeing your father less and less as time went on and, after King Robert died, it only got worse.

You couldn't believe that your father had been accused of treason and thrown in the dungeon. Lord Stark was an honorable man who would never have committed treason no matter who was on the throne. You spoke out against his treatment at every turn and refused to stop even when Joffrey had Meryn Trant beating you. "My father is no traitor!" Those five words had become your mantra. You didn't listen to a thing anyone had to say about it. You even got into fist fights with several people over it. Then, it happened...

You lost Arya in the massive crowd of people gathered just outside the Keep. You heard Joffrey's annoying voice and gritted your teeth. The next voice that spoke made you stop moving at look up. Your father stood there and confessed to being a traitor. It took everything you had in you not to cry as he listed his so-called crimes against the realm. Then Joffrey spoke again, "My mother wishes me to let Lord Eddard join the Night's Watch. Stripped of all titles and powers, he would serve the realm in permanent exile. And my Lady Sansa has begged mercy for her father." You breathed a sigh of relief before Joffrey continued, "But they have the soft hearts of women. So long as I am your king, treason shall never go unpunished. Ser Ilyn, bring me his head!"

Without waiting for another order, Ser Ilyn Payne brought his sword down on your father's neck. You saw red. While Sansa was screaming and trying to throw herself at your father's body, you made your way up to where the "play King" was standing. He smirked at you just before you punched him in the jaw. He staggered backward and fell on to his back. You were immediately on him and continuously hitting him in the face and chest. Why no one stopped you sooner, you would never guess. You were eventually pulled off of the king by his loyal guard dog. "Let go of me!" you cried, desperately struggling to continue the assault.

You wanted Joffrey to pay. You wanted both the spoiled brat and his mother to suffer. The Hound said nothing, merely dropped you next to your sister and blocked your path to Joffrey. "Are you alright, Y/N?" Sansa whispered to you. You nodded. "I want her head!" Joffrey screamed like a petulant toddler. Cersei did her best to calm her son. "Now, now pet. I am certain that Lady Y/N regrets what she has done. Don't you, little dove?" she asked, looking at you pointedly.

"Like hell I do," you said without a moment's pause. You had no regrets except perhaps coming to King's Landing in the first place. There was a collective gasp in the crowd before they all started murmuring. "I WANT HER HEAD, SER ILYN!" As Ser Ilyn approached you, you turned to Sansa and gave her a tight squeeze. "Be strong, Sansa. You are a Wolf of Winterfell. Don't let them take that away from you." You felt someone grab your arm and drag you away from your sister.

Ser Ilyn let you go when you were standing next your father's body. The tears pricked your eyes as you were forced to your knees and your (h/l) (h/c) hair was pushed to the side. You weren't crying for your fate. You knew that all actions came with consequences. You were crying for your mother and your siblings, even Jon. You cried for Winterfell. You cried for Westeros. The last thing you heard was Sansa cry for mercy.

(This scene is originally from episode 1.9)


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