Dangerous Love(Robb Stark x fem!Lannister reader)

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Captured. You couldn't believe it. You, Y/N Lannister, had been captured by Robb Stark the so-called "King of the North." You sat in the dirt with your hands tied to a post behind you as you contemplated how in the world you would get out the mess you were in. Getting out of the ropes wouldn't be too difficult, but you needed time and the cover of darkness. There were benefits to being a woman. For one thing, Robb didn't use chains since he figured you'd be too weak to slip out of the ropes.

For another, you could pull the sweet innocent act and everyone fell for it. Even Robb's guards. "I need to relieve myself," you told the man guarding your makeshift cage. For moment, the guard merely looked at you, but you batted your eyelashes and he caved. He let you out of the cage and led you over to a row of trees before untying your hands. The moment your hands were free, you "accidentally" tripped the guard causing him to smack his head on a rock and knocking him unconscious. "Sorry about that," you whispered as you grabbed the guard's dagger and made your way to the Robb Stark's tent.

You slowly pulled open the flap and saw Robb sleeping soundly. Your grip on the dagger tightened as you tip-toed over to the sleeping "king". As you neared, you couldn't help but be distracted by his curl auburn locks that were tousled from sleep. His lips were parted slightly and your mind wondered what it would be like to kiss him. You shook your head to clear it of the unwanted thoughts and got even closer. You placed the blade to his throat, jarring him awake.

"Not a sound, Your Grace," you said, voice dripping with sarcasm. Your Lannister green eyes met his Tully blue ones. For moment, you couldn't pull your gaze away. His eyes were mesmerizing. "Now, you are going to give up this foolish war and escort me back to my family in King's Landing," you demanded in a harsh whisper. Robb's eyes never left your face as he carefully spoke, "And if I refuse, my lady?" You pressed the knife deeper into his throat, just enough to draw a little blood. Getting the message, Robb nodded slowly trying not to push the blade any deeper.

Your lips upturned into a smirk, thinking you had bested him when suddenly, his hand shot up and grabbed the wrist of the hand gripping the dagger. The dagger fell from your hand as Robb flipped you so you were on his furs beneath him. Your eyes widened. How had that happened? You weren't stupid, but you certainly felt like it now. "Now, my lady, here is how this is going to work. I shall return you to your family in exchange for my sisters' freedom, but only after I have taken Casterly Rock."

His face was mere inches from yours as he held you pinned. He held you firmly. "Are we agreed, Lady Y/N?" You pretended to think for a minute. "No," you said before bringing your knee up and kicking him off you. You shot up and made for the dagger, but he was faster. He grabbed you and pinned your arms to your sides. "Enough!" he said harshly. He was panting and you could feel his breath on the back of your neck. "Are you finished?" he asked between breaths. You gave a small nod. He was obviously quicker than you, no matter how hard you had trained with Jaime.

Robb let you go and you turned to face him. He moved to the table and pour a goblet of wine which he offered to you. You quirked an eyebrow at him. You didn't trust him. He smirked and took a sip of the wine, before pouring another goblet for you. This time you took it and brought it to your lips, savoring the liquid. "It appears that I have underestimated you, Lady Y/N," Robb said simple as his blue eyes scanned you.

He couldn't deny that you were lovely, even for a Lannister. You had a beauty that shone through all the dirt and filth that was covering your face and clothing. "It appears you have," you retorted calmly. Robb smirked again. There was just something about you that caught his attention and he wanted to know more. That night, he kept you in his tent and when the army moved on, Robb made certain you were near him at all times.

You may have been a prisoner of war, but within a few days after your "escape" you were no longer being treated as one. Robb had allowed you to clean yourself up and no longer insisted that your hands be bound. The only things he did insist upon was that you ride with him during the day and that a guard was standing watch at night.

After about the third day, you no longer had a desire to escape. You found yourself enjoying the company of Robb Stark and even though his mother warned him against it, Robb found himself falling for you. You were easy to talk to, when you weren't threatening him. You made him laugh and he realized that you weren't like the rest of your family. "I'm in love with a Lannister," Robb said to himself, "The gods must be against me."

One night, after camp had been set up Robb approached you, his head down. You automatically knew something was wrong. Robb Stark always walked with his head held high. "Lady Y/N, I've come to offer you a chance to win your freedom," he said. Robb had a plan. "Oh? And how would I do that?" He challenged you to a duel. "What are the terms, Your Grace?" you asked, sarcastically. "If you defeat me, I will let you go. If you lose, I keep you as my prisoner."

Robb knew how he felt about you and needed to know if you felt the same before he and his army sacked Casterly Rock. He believed that, if you felt the same, then you would throw the duel and if you didn't then he would let you go. You smiled up at him and accepted his terms. You both grabbed practice swords and the fight began. As you watched Robb's face, you came to realize something. You didn't want to leave. You wanted to stay with Robb for as long as possible. That being said, you weren't going to throw a match right from the start.

The longer you fought, the more Robb's mood seemed to darken and then you understood. He was hoping you would throw the match and stay with him. So, you purposely let him knock you to the ground. He smiled down at you before offering a hand to help you up. You took it and he pulled you up. As you crashed into his chest, he brought his sword up to your throat. "You know, we should stop meeting like this," you quipped with a laugh. Robb joined in before you crashed your lips to his. He dropped the sword and kissed back with vigor.

When you parted, you asked, "Do you realize how dangerous this is?" He nodded. "Of course I do and, to be honest, I do not care. I love you, Y/N Lannister and that is all that matters." You were oblivious to the crowd of people watching the two of you. Catelyn Stark observed from a distance as her son professed his love for a Lannister. She was worried for her son. For his heart. She could not fight the smile on her face when she heard, "And I love you, Robb Stark, King of the North."

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