Punishment? (Sandor Clegane x fem!Tully reader)

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You pulled Sansa close as you cursed the day you ever journeyed to King's Landing with your uncle Ned Stark. It had not been a pleasant stay and you had a feeling it was going to get worse now that your uncle had been executed. You would have bet money on it and you would have been right. You did not know just how bad it would get until the day Joffrey enforced his idea of punishment on you.

You were wandering the corridors of the Red Keep, your handmaiden close behind when the king approached you with his loyal guard. "Your Grace," you greeted through clenched teeth as you curtsied. He smirked at you. "Have you heard, Lady Y/N? It seems your entire family is full of traitors. Your aunt and cousin have risen up against me. It appears I shall have to punish them as well." You glared at the boy.

You'd always had a problem holding your tongue and now was no different. The next words poured from your mouth before you could stop them," If anyone deserves a punishment, it is you. You are nothing but a spoil child throwing a temper tantrum." You saw Sandor fighting a smile just before you turned, leaving a fuming Joffrey behind. He made up his mind right then that you would have to be punished and one look at Sandor, he knew just how to go about it.

The next day, you were summoned to the Throne Room for an audience with Joffrey. You sighed heavily and followed the guard to the room. You knew Joffrey would not let your comments go unpunished, but you were not expecting what he had decided to do to you. No one would have expected it. You entered the room, your head held high as your Tully blue eyes scanned the room. It seemed everyone in King's Landing was present, but the one that surprised you the most was the septon.

You slowly approached the Iron Throne as Joffrey stood, the sadistic smirk never leaving his face. You stopped right in front of the throne and curtsied. What was your punishment going to be? You glanced up at the boy king as he opened his mouth to speak. "People of King's Landing! You have been asked into the Red Keep to join the royal family in the marriage of Lady Y/N Tully to Sandor Clegane!" Cheers erupted in the grand room as your eyes widened and you looked over at Sandor who looked just as shocked as you were for a moment. Marriage? To The Hound? One look at Joffrey's face and you knew that this was your punishment.

Joffrey offered his hand to you and gave you a look, daring you to argue. You took it and he practically pulled you over to where the septon and Sandor were waiting. You felt your stomach turn and you were certain you were going to be sick. Too soon for you to really notice, the ceremony and feast were over and you were being pulled away by your new husband. The only saving grace of the evening was that Joffrey was too disgusted by his "dog" and a "traitor" to insist on a bedding. The very thought made you shudder.

You let Sandor lead you from the feast to your new shared chambers. You immediately let go of his arm that had been basically holding you up and shied away to the other side of the room, your eyes never leaving his hulking form. You were petrified. "I'm not gonna hurt ya, girl and I'm not gonna bed ya either," he said simply, taking a chair. You stuck your chin out defiantly and retorted, "I am not a girl! I am a woman." You watched a brief flicker of amusement cross his features before his usual stoic expression returned.

"Aye, ya are that," he rasped. You nodded once. How were you going to get through this? As if reading your mind, Sandor said, "Ya could try and escape, but Joffrey will find ya and do much worse to ya." You closed your eyes and sighed, knowing he was probably right. "What can I do?" you asked, mostly to yourself, but he heard you anyway. "Look, woman, even if it was a surprise, you're my wife now and I will protect ya. These chambers are the safest place for ya."

"Could you please stop calling me 'woman' or 'girl'?" you asked, making him smirk at you. Even as upset as you were, you didn't lose your sass. "I do have a name, husband," you added sarcastically. He let out a bark-like laugh. You scoffed and moved to pour a goblet of wine. That was the only way you were going to get through the night. "I know ya do, Y/N," he said softly. You looked up over the rim of your glass.

You took the time to really look at him. He might have been considered handsome if not for the scarred flesh. His brunette hair was long and thick and his eyes were beautiful shade of brown. The man had never been cruel to you, although you had seen him kill others. You sighed deeply and accepted your fate. What else could you do? Sandor was right. If you ran, Joffrey would find you and you would be subjected to tortures you couldn't even imagine.

"Well then, you can call me by my name and I shall call you yours, Sandor," you said. You were now determined to make the most of this situation, even if it killed you. He grunted and crossed the room to pour himself some of the wine. You looked around the candle-lit room and sighed. "Ya should go to bed, Y/N," Sandor told you. You finished your wine and stifled a yawn. It was odd to you that the man seemed to be able to read your mind. "Perhaps I should," you agreed.

*time skip because length*

You'd been married to Sandor for a few months now and life at the Red Keep was actually more pleasant than it had been. Because they knew who your husband was, no one dared to threaten or harm you. They were petrified of Sandor, or more accurately, of what Sandor would do to them if he found out. He was your protector, just as he promised and you found yourself falling for him more and more every day.

Sandor was a different man behind closed doors. You saw one another every night, sharing stories and getting to know each other. You realized that he wasn't the cold-hearted killer everyone thought. He may have enjoyed killing, but he never killed without reason. He told you about how his brother pressed his face to the fire. In all honesty, you never really noticed the scars anymore. They were simply part of who he was, but they didn't define him.

It was one evening when you were sitting together in your chambers drinking wine that you realized you loved him. Over the time you'd been married, you had grown to love the crude, violent and angry man that had been a punishment. You chuckled to yourself, causing Sandor to look at you curiously. You told him what you'd been thinking, making him laugh darkly. "It appears as though the king needs to work on his definition of punishment."

You watched him for moment. He really looked much more handsome when he laughed. You stood from your chair and walked over to his, silently. His eyes met yours and he quirked an eyebrow at your actions. You simply smiled and moved closer until you were right in front of his chair. Even sitting down, his head was level with yours. You placed your hands on his broad shoulders and leaned in before you could lose your nerve.

You pressed your lips to his in a clumsy and somewhat awkward kiss. You hadn't had much experience, but there was something pure and raw about the kiss that quickly grew more passionate as Sandor pulled you down into his lap. When you parted for air, he chuckled again and said, "Aye, some punishment." You giggled and kissed him again.

(a/n: HOLY CRAP YOU GUYS!! This book has over 27K reads!! How did that happen??? Thank you all!!)

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