The Wolf's Storm(Sandor Clegane x fem!Stark!reader)

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Sandor "The Hound" Clegane kept an eye on you as you sat in front of him on Stranger. You hadn't cried. Hadn't screamed. Hadn't said much of anything since he dragged you away from the Twins and the carnage that happened there. You kept your eyes looking ahead and your mouth shut. For once, Sandor found himself wondering just what was going through your head. Was this just the calm before the storm?

Sandor was so consumed by his own thoughts that he hadn't noticed you sliding off the horse until you were running in the opposite direction. He turned Stranger around and followed, more curious than anything. You approached three men that were sitting around a fire. "Might I warm myself?" you asked. "Get outta here, girl or we'll make a woman outta ya," one said. You gave a fake little laugh just before plunging a dagger into the man's neck. You could feel your heart in your throat and the blood pounding in your ears as you killed all three men. You wouldn't stop until you knew they were dead.

You stared at the bloody mess in front of you and heard footsteps. You didn't turn or say anything. You knew Sandor would follow you. "Where did ya get that knife?" his raspy voice asked. You held it up to hand to him. "From you," you answered before walking over to Stranger. "The next time you're goin' to do something like that, tell me first," Sandor scolded you, but you simply rolled your eyes. "Bloody woman goin' to get yourself killed," he muttered.

"You don't have to stay with me, you know," you stated matter-of-factly, "You could just drop me off at some village or leave me here in the woods for all I care. It doesn't matter anymore!" You made your way to a little stream that you had passed. You crouched down and began to clean the blood off your hands. You heard Sandor following you again. For some reason he couldn't explain, Sandor felt responsible for you.

"Woman, this world isn't for the weak. You're better off with me," he said gruffly. You stood and turned to face him. "I AM NOT WEAK! I AM A STARK OF WINTERFELL!" you screamed as loudly as you could. "And what good has that done ya? You're out here with me, not in a cushy bed. Face it, your family is dead and I'm all you've got," he replied, trying his best not to yell back at you. As soon as the words were out of his mouth, you slapped him across the face. Hard.

Without waiting a beat, you slapped him again. When you went to slap him once more, Sandor caught your wrist and held it. As you gazed at him, you felt your resolve crumble. You finally let the flood of tears wash over you. You sank to your knees and let out every sob you'd been holding back since you left the Twins. Your parents were gone. Robb was gone. Bran and Rickon were dead too. Sansa was a prisoner in King's Landing and Arya was nowhere to be found. Sandor was right. You truly were alone.

Sandor sank into a crouch in front of you, not really knowing what to do. He had never been good with emotion. "Lass, stop the sniveling. I'm takin' ya to your aunt Lysa in the Vale." You grimaced. You remembered your Aunt Lysa. She wasn't all there and you certainly didn't want to be with her. Then again, the only other relative you could go to was much further North. Your half-brother Jon was at The Wall and women were not allowed. You continued crying. You couldn't seem to stop and then, you did something neither you nor Sandor expected. You threw your arms around his neck in a hug.

After a moment of internal conflict, Sandor relented and wrapped his arms around you as he fell to his knees too. "I am weak," you whispered through your tears, "A stupid woman that has no family anymore." The two of you stayed that way for what seemed like hours. He was stiff and awkward at first, but eventually he relaxed.

You honestly needed that hug, but you also knew that Sandor was uncomfortable with it. You let go of him and attempted to dry your eyes. "Thank you. I'm sorry I slapped you. I had no right." He chuckled darkly, handing you a handkerchief for your nose and eyes. "If that's the worst ya do when you're angry with me, then I'm pretty certain I'll be alright." You giggled a little and stood up. As you stood, your foot got caught on your dress and you staggered forward, right in Sandor's arms. You quickly stood and backed away, blushing. You noticed a slight pink tint to Sandor's cheeks as well and you got the feeling that your journey was about to get much more interesting.

(The scene with the three Frey soldiers wasoriginally from episode 3.10)    

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