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Chapter 33 Chief expert of Glory Group

After a while, the assistant came in.

“Mr. Graham, I just got in touch with Glory Group. They said that their boss isn’t at home and they don’t know

where he is.”.

“Not at home?” Julian frowned.

“Are you sure they are telling the truth? Or do Philip find an excuse not to meet us?” Said Julian, looking up at

his assistant.

The assistant scratched his head and replied, “It’s true. They haven’t seen Philip for days. I also thought of this and asked several other companies. But they haven’t seen Philip either.”

Julian frowned deeper. He turned the silver cufflink shining with cold light in his sleeve and waved at his

assistant, “Go out please.”

In the morning, Natalie received a call from Ryan, saying that the lab had been completed. She couldn’t wait

to see it and drove to the lab.

Ryan had been waiting for her downstairs. Although he was her assistant, he hadn’t seen her for three years

and had been working on a project alone.

At that time, he had just graduated from a top university with a doctor’s degree. Against his parents’ wishes, he insisted on entering the pharmacy industry without taking over the family business.

He gave up everything his parents gave him and worked hard among a group of graduates with doctorate. Finally, he managed to enter the company that countless medicine students dreamed of.

Fortunately, on the first day he came to the company, Philip announced that he would choose an assistant among the new trainees. That assistant would work with the expert of Glory Group, who owned countless projects, resources, connections. More importantly, he would learn a lot from the expert.

He tried his best to stand out and got the position.

To his surprise, this expert was the chief expert of Glory Group!

He had thought that he was lucky enough to be the assistant of the chief expert. After working for a few years, he knew that she had another identity, a very famous but very low-key expert in the world. No one had

seen her before, but her various research was world-famous and let everyone know her existence.

He had admired her since he was a child.

He had never thought of connecting the two of them, but after knowing the truth, he thought it was reasonable. It turned out that the reason why Glory Group could always be the leader of the industry was


Ryan stood at the door expressionlessly. Although he had already been promoted and was no longer just an intern, he was still very nervous and was just pretending to be calm.

As soon as he saw the car of the far away, he hurried forward to open the door of the garage. The car slowly

drove in, and Ryan strode to keep up with it.

When the car stopped, Natalie got out of the car. Ryan looked up and found that Natalie was still as beautiful as three years ago, which was amazing.

But she gave him a different temperament which he couldn’t tell exactly.

“It’s been a long time since I last saw you.” Said Natalie with a smile.

Looking up. Ryan saw a faint smile on her face, like the spring breeze, with a gentle and touching feeling.

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