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Chapter 55 Send the authorization

Upon hearing this, Julian sneered

If it wasn’t for his grandfather putting pressure on him for the CEO position, he would have signed it.

However, Natalie did not deny that she had been following him this time, so he didn’t feel angry as before.

He looked at her and wanted to warn her again. He opened his thin lips, but he didn’t say anything.

She loved him so much that she couldn’t accept leaving him… She wouldn’t change even if he had told her so

many times.

Julian finally glanced at her, without any emotional fluctuations in his dark eyes which appeared indifferent

and distant.

He said it only for the last time.

Julian took a step forward and left.

He didn’t meet Dr. Nancy today, but instead seeing Natalie… He decided to come again on Friday.

Natalie looked at his back in a daze. He didn’t answer her question! She asked him to sign the agreement.

She ran to catch up with the man, but the equipment in the laboratory suddenly rang, and the reagents boiled

out, as if they were about to explode.

It seemed that there was something wrong, so Natalie didn’t chase Julian but ran into the laboratory.

She hurriedly turned off the equipment.

Returning to the corridor again, no one was there, and he had left.

Being disrupted by Julian, Natalie looked at these drugs and sighed.

At the moment she opened the door and saw him, her mind went blank, and she subconsciously thought that

her identity was about to be exposed.

Unexpectedly, he thought that she was following him….

It seemed that his temperament had some advantages.

But how did he get in?!

Natalie eyes flickered slightly, and she immediately took out her phone and pressed Philip’s numbers.

She was greeted by a long beep, followed by a polite female voice saying, “Hello, the number you have dialed

is turned off, Please redial later.”

She was angry and threw her phone on the table.

At every critical moment, Philip’s phone would not get through! And this time, his phone was turned off.

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Natalie let out a bitter smile and let it go.

He indeed got hurt in a relationship.

If she found that he disappeared for so long because of other reasons, she must teach him a lesson.

Then she turned to look at the steps and plans she had written.

Fine, let’s finish the reagent experiment planned for today first. Although there were some emotional

fluctuations, the experiment still needed to be completed.

She had had such a temperament since childhood.

She would not be controlled by the emotions.

Except for Henry.

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