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Chapter 174 Old Mr. Graham may die tonight

“Ryan…” Julian frowned and looked at the man in front of him. Then he confirmed again, “Are you

really Ryan?”

Ryan nodded, “Of course.”

Natalie was scared when she saw Julian’s thoughtful expression. She was afraid that Julian would

take action against Ryan.

“Julian, what do you want to do? If you don’t leave, I’ll beat you.”

Ryan was still young. A young man usually did not know the rules of the business world. What’s

more, a young man also did not know how to judge others.

Ryan did not know Julian’s personality, and he did not know what Julian would do. But she knew

Julian well. She knew what Julian would do.

She couldn’t take Ryan into trouble.

Julian ignored Natalie’s words and asked slowly and cautiously, “Your name is Zhou Ran, and are


“Are you

from the Swan family in New York?” Julian stared at Ryan after finishing his words. He did

not want to miss any expression of Ryan.

The Swan family in New York?

Natalie was stunned. She was so familiar with this family.

Natalie thought carefully. And it seemed that she had heard of the Swan family in New York. before. Natalie thought for a while, and then she recalled Philip’s words.

The Swan family in New York was a mysterious family who was involved in both black and white. Usually, this family organized activities secretly. Her bodyguards were from the Swan family in Los Angeles.

Natalie shook her head. What did Julian say? How could Ryan be a member of the Swan family? He was just an ordinary person who graduated from a prestigious pharmaceutical school.

Natalie turned to look at Ryan as she thought, “Just ignore this man.”

But when she looked into Ryan’s eyes, she suspected she got the wrong idea.

Was Ryan really from the Swan family?

How could this be possible? For an instant, Natalie could not accept this information.

“Are you from the Swan family in New York?” Julian asked again carefully.

Ryan replied with a smile, “So what? Is that important?”

Julian frowned, and he still wanted to say something. But his phone in the pocket vibrated. It was

not a big sound, but everyone could hear it.

Julian took out his phone and hung up directly.

After hanging up, Julian wanted to put his phone into his pocket. But footsteps sounded at the front door of the laboratory suddenly, and then someone knocked on the door in a hurry.

Natalie frowned and waved to the bodyguard beside her, “Who is knocking on the door? Please

check it.”

The door opened, and a man with a flustered expression rushed in.

The man was in a hurry, and the wind had whipped his hair. The man wore a pair of glasses, but he

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