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Chapter 150 Settling down

During the seemingly endless wait for the call to connect, though only a few seconds had passed, Natalie felt an unbearable length of time.

Living alone in Los Angeles, coupled with the risks of identity exposure at any time, she couldn’t deny that she was nervous.

Her hand holding the phone trembled slightly, and she stared without blinking at the person at the door, fearing any sudden movement from him.

After a few seconds, the sound of a ringing phone came from outside the door.

The sudden ringing of the bell startled Natalie, who almost couldn’t hold her phone. She called Hugh, how could it be that the ringing came from outside the door?

The phone was answered.

Hugh on the other end of the phone didn’t speak, as he was waiting for Natalie to speak.

“Hugh, come to Greenlife villa quickly. “Natalie lowered her voice and looked at the man outside

the door.

Wait… The person at the door seemed to have moved… He seemed to be turning his head

towards the house…

Natalie’s heart skipped a beat. She only glanced briefly and couldn’t clearly see the person’s face. She quickly turned around and pressed her back against the wall. Her scalp tingled, her heart pounded, and she didn’t dare to move, afraid of attracting the attention of the man outside the


“I’m in the villa,” Hugh’s voice came through the phone.

Natalie raised her eyebrows and asked, “Are you in Greenlife villa? Where? At the door?” She quickly asked, but she didn’t dare to turn her head due to the man outside the door.


Didn’t you see anyone at the door? “Natalie frowned and whispered.

Hugh held his phone and turned around to look around the yard. It was quiet and still, with no

sound or any sign of a person.

“No,” Hugh replied.

Natalie was even more puzzled at the moment. How could there be no one? She clearly saw

someone standing at the entrance just now…

Although the situation was urgent and she couldn’t see the person’s face clearly, she caught a glimpse of their figure-a man dressed in black with a strong build.

Hugh couldn’t have missed it.

Dressed in black, strong build… Wait a minute… an idea flashed in Natalie’s heart.

Could that person be Hugh?

As soon as this idea emerged, Natalie felt relieved and immediately asked, “Are you at the main


“Yes,” The man replied lightly.

He stood straight up, his sharp gaze scanning the surroundings. His ears were attuned to any

movement, not missing even the slightest rustle of the leaves.

Although Natalie’s voice on the phone seemed relatively calm, Hugh still keenly detected the

underlying tremor in her voice… She was nervous, she was afraid.

Combined with the content of Natalie’s words, it was highly likely that there were dangerous

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