Chapter 36

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I watched Carlos pace around with sweat soaking his body, he was panicking and nagging about him becoming a father. Ted and I were getting bored already, we wanted to go back to our moment, he ruined it.

'How did it happen! How the fuck did a baby get involve in this goddamn situation! How did I end up being a father!'

'Dude, wasn't your sense working when you were busy fucking her?' Ted sighed.

'What right does she have to get pregnant!'

'What right do you have to be sleeping with her? Didn't I warn all of you not to touch her?'

'Didn't I warn you not to touch Vee?'

'I am your boss, don't even think about it.' Carlos rolled his eyes and continued pacing.

'What am I going to do? I am not damn ready for a damn baby...'

'Then abort it...'

'Are you mad Ted!' I finally exclaimed. 'Abort what?! Wasn't he thinking about the consequences when he was busy pounding the life out of her! Stop acting like a child.'

'Damn it! Do you know how old I am?' Carlos fired.

'Oh pe-lease, age has nothing to do with stupidity,' I said, rolling my eyes around.

'Don't even start Vee, I am not in the mood for your own brand of stupidity.'

'Well, too bad, I am not the one who is going to be a daddy...' I laughed. 'You are going to have a baby crawling allover your face and pooping on all your shirts and peeing in your mouth.' I laughed, he glared at me.

'Look Carlos, the baby is yours. Whatever you wish to do with it, do. But let me remind you that nothing should happen to the mother...'

'Better take that back!' I yelled. 'That baby is staying, I am going to be a aunt. Babies are cute, the angels of earth...'

'Not when you have to fucking father them!'

'Tut tut tut, temper temper Carlos, temper. You should be proud. Hit your chest like the ugly gorilla you are and say "yes, I am finally a man. My 2 inches dick got a woman pregnant." Trust me, you will feel better after saying that.'

Ted chuckled while Carlos stared at me like his eyes could kill me. 'Ted, warn her to shut the fuck up.'

'Stop looking at me like that, Daddy Somebody, your irritating eyes might get me pregnant too.'

'Cookie, shh,' Ted hushed.

'Don't tell me to shh, why should I shh when he haven't shh? Before I must shh, he must shh because one shh makes another shh, get it?'

'That doesn't make any fucking damn sense! Your brain has a serious problem!'

'And you swear so much I think fuck or damn was the first word you said instead of mama. Who knows, maybe your baby's first sentence will be fuck too.'

'I am going to wring your neck if you don't shut up! I came here looking for a fucking solution to my damn problem and you are making me feel worse!'

'There you have it, your damn problem, not ours. Word of advice buddy, go download ten books on how to be a great father, you would really need divine intervention to turn you into a real man. Although I feel you are already feeling like one since your tiny dick got someone pregnant. Ha! When your son turn ten, you and him will hold a smallest dick competition!'

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