Chapter 35

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Turns out handling a new job and a new training schedule wasn't as easy as I thought it would be. My first day of work was amazing, made new friends secretly, but my first day of training wasn't that great. Except for Bruce, none of my trainers were nice to me, all were so strict and treachery, especially Georgia and Carlos. Three weeks and five days gone; twenty six days of taking photos for magazine, twenty six days of shooting videos, twenty six days of attending events and business meetings, twenty six days of getting my ass kicked, twenty six days of overworking my body.

The good thing was that I was nailing computer, explosive and gun practice. Anytime I tried a new gun, the force always had me reeling back but I eventually nailed it. I already knew so much about guns and knives, that is why it was easy getting use to it. Right now, Ted was taking my class for the day and my mission was to shoot down a fast running cars while balancing on a thin rail. It would have been easy for me since I was a gymnast, I already had balance worshipping and kissing the floor I walk on, I could shoot it down if I focus but the wickedness involve was that I was blindfolded.

'I still don't see why I am blindfolded,'

'To lighten your senses, reply on your instinct and hearing to get it right for you.'

'Ears, it's been a while I used that,' I said gigglingly. He was hastening my learning process, trying to make me a pro too early, forgetting I was a lady in the process.

'Focus bebe, I don't want to whip you again.' When Ted said he was harsh in training, I didn't fully understand until now. Any mistake I made, I took three hot lashes on my back or a very hard kick to my stomach. He was indeed treating me like one of his trainee and not his girlfriend.

'Bene,' another thing Ted took upon himself, teach me how to speak Italian and added two new languages to my bank, Chinese and Russian. It wasn't easy but I had to learn to know how to at least hear as much language as possible if I am going to be with him. Ted can speak so many languages I lost counts while the ones he couldn't speak, he sorted it out by understanding it.

I focused at the task at hand, perking my ears up to hear the sound of the speeding car, where it was going. I exhaled and followed my instinct, fired seven bullets as instructed, one for each car. I removed my blindfold and dropped my other leg which was in the air the whole time. Ted stood there looking at me with pride, I blushed shyly.

'Are you sure this is the first time you have tried blindfolded gunfire?'

'Yes,' I nodded. 'I shot down three.'

'Five,' he corrected. 'Which is more than perfect for your first time. You even shot the cars right at their core, you are a natural Cookie.'

I sheepishly rolled a curl of blue hair around my index finger, shifting from one foot to another. He walked over to me and carried me down from the rail even though I didn't need it. His hands stayed wrapped around my waist, our eyes locked again. Over the weeks, our sexual tension had increased tremendously, dangerously. So dangerous it turned me into a desperate horny freak, thrice I had begged him to put me out of my misery and make love to me without any restrain, but he refused. Anytime we were actually letting our sexual urges control us, immediately Ted saw the scars on my body, he would back away from me like I was a disease.

It broke my heart knowing he didn't want anyone's rape leftover, but I never let it show.

'We should go now, you need to rest.' He finally broke the silence.


'If it is what I think you want to talk about, don't.'

'Why? Why don't you want to touch me?' I said shyly.

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