Chapter 25

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I can't believe he is really sending me away! How did it come to this! I stared at him still pouting and giving him my combo look but it wasn't working on him, nothing was working on him. I had tried begging, promising to keep away, to even fast but nothing worked. Alas! There I was holding the door of the black Prado car as I stared at him. I sighed, seeing that it wasn't going to work anymore, I'm a goner.

'I guess this is goodbye,' I said sadly, he didn't say a thing or changed his stony expression. 'Yolanda?'

'Bye Viona, I'll come see you sometimes, okay?' She asked calmly, not showing any expression like her father; they both wanted me gone. I sighed and nodded understandingly and looked at Bruce and Ursula who was crying. 'Booby!' I squealed, rushing to her. I gave her a bear hug, lifting and spinning her around. She laughed despite herself.

'Put me down Vee!' She laughed, I dropped her and smiled. 'Be safe?'

'I will,'

'You are leaving Italy, right?' She asked sadly, in a very low tone.

'If I don't, I will definitely come back.'

'I'm going to miss you,' she said and burst into tears again. 'And for God's sake! Don't break anybody's head!'

'Since when have I ever broken was just that one time, and that other time... Oh and, I guess I do break heads.' I smirked. She rolled her eyes and pulled me into a hug again.

'Will you be okay? Emotionally?'

'I will find a way to, I love you Ursula.'

'Love you too,' we pulled away from each other. I jumped on Bruce instantly, laughing as he caught me by my waist.


'Brucie!' I shrieked back. We did the secret hand shake I forced him to learn and then high fived.

'I'm so gonna miss you girlfriend,' he said girlishly, flicking his hair and battering his lashes as he made sassy gesture.

'Back at ya gurl,' we laughed and hip bumped each other. From the corner of my eyes, I saw Ted clenching his fist.

'Time to go,' Carlos said grumpily, he didn't agree with my leaving. I ran over to him and hugged his large body. He patted my head to annoy me but I'm me. 'Be careful baby Vee,'

'I am not a baby,' I whined. He laughed, carried me up and shoved me into the car. Lance was dropping me off. He closed the door. I didn't bother waving at Yolanda or Ted, I looked away and tried to conceal my feeling. The car started, Lance drove off like a mad man, causing me to laugh.

'Drive carefully you idiot!!!' Yolanda shouted. My laugh slowly turned into wails and I cried like a baby.


I watched the car drive off, it felt like all my happiness and emotions was running away from me. Immediately the car was out of sight, the feeling of emptiness attacked me, rushing in like a massive flood. I rubbed my forehead and walked back inside, ignoring the tightness in my chest. I am doing the right thing, I am protecting her.

'I still don't agree with this Ted, bring her back,' Carlos said from behind me.

'Leave him alone Carlos and go focus on what you should be focusing on.' Yolanda snapped.

'Whatever,' he grumbled. 'You are going to end up going back for her and then drag unnecessary attention to yourself.' He stomped out, hate it when he talks like he knows me. I scoffed and walked to my room but somehow, I found myself in her room; Cookie.

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