Chapter 47

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I looked at Cookie with adoration as she blabbed endlessly about all the things that have been happening to her in Finland. My elbow stayed on the windowsill, a sweet smile on my face. She looked so adorable, stuffing her mouth with cookies as she talked. I'm terribly late for the launch but she is more important. I had to drop her off at home first, before I can go.

' should have seen his face! It was priceless, very very.' She seems very fond of that Diego person, hope he won't be a problem.

'So, what did he do next?' I asked with feign interest.

'What can he do? He ran out in tears to meet his mommy. The idiot doesn't ever want to stop being so clean, I wonder what Diego see in him.'

And there's the name again. 'Who's the Diego you keep talking about?'

'My twin brother, he's older than I am though.'

'And how old is he?' I asked with an eye roll.

'Hmmm, he's twenty three.'

'Cookie, you're twenty six.'

'I am? I thought I was nine?' She gasped.

'You are not. I met you months after your twenty third birthday and if we should calculate all the months we fought, the ones you left, the ones you stayed silent and the rest, that ended up at your twenty fourth birthday. I didn't celebrate it though, I was planning something more fascinating. Then, you have been missing for two years, almost two years. You are a month away from your twenty sixth birthday.' I explained.

'So, how did we spend our first Christmas together?' She asked curiously. I chuckled and looked out of the window.

'I don't celebrate Christmas, and you spent it with Yolanda in her room.' I lied. On Christmas, I knew she would do something crazy, no one celebrates Christmas in my house, we all hate it. Yolanda don't either, bad memories. I wasn't in good terms with her then, so I had her injected for a week.

What? I still hated her then.

'Why not? Christmas is fun!'

'And noisy,'

'You are insane.'

'Well guess what?'

'Ur... You finally found a brain?' I said jokingly.

'No, not yet. But I'm almost there by heaven's grace. My quest of finding my empty brain will soon come to an end, hopefully, I will get it back before my birthday... Hey, does it mean my birthday is in November?'

'November 26.'

'Yay! We can spend Halloween together!'

'I hate holidays, I don't celebrate anything because there is no reason to be happy and joyful. I don't need an holiday to achieve that.'

'You are sick, I understand that now. Well, back to our guessing.'

'You finally realised you are not a kid and need to act your age. You have a daughter you know.'

'No, I'm still nine years old, your lies won't change a thin... I have a daughter!' She shouted. I chuckled.

'Yolanda,' she stared at me with wide eyes.

'I'm a mom?' She asked incredulously. I broke into a peal of laughter and pinched her nose.

'You are cute, no, you don't. Yolanda is mine but she sees you as hers.'

'You're a dad?'

'Yolanda is biologically my sister's daughter, she's an orphan so I'm the father now.'

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