Chapter 15

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I sighed as I rubbed my eyes, it pricked with an uncertain pa....ah! Tears! I cried myself to sleep last night because I feel like shit, complete worthless piece of shit. I would have slept good a little but along the way, I had a nightmare of Ted killing mom and Carolyn and selling off Ursula. Then the dream changed and his dick was chasing me until I feel into a pool of his sperm.

That is the worse way to dream!

'I hate my life,' I sighed, sitting up to get off bed. I threw the blanket away and stood on my feet; my morning stretches is very important. I did some few stretches before deciding to take a run or meditate, so I dressed up. I wore a gray jodhpurs pants, a matching gray bralette top and white running shoes. I tightened the lace of my shoes, pulled my hair up into a loose bun and walked out.

'You're up early,' Bruce said smilingly, he looked at what I was wearing and rolled his eyes. 'I don't wanna know.'

'Good, because I'm not telling you anyways,' I said coldly and ran out of his present. He ran after me and blocked my way, running backward in front of me.

'You are usually happy every morning, what's up?'

'Had a bad night,'

'Does it have anything to do with why you ran out of Boss's office like you saw his dick fall off?' I shuddered at the mention of "his dick" a image of my dream replaying in my head.

'I definitely saw something fall off,' I said with a slight shiver of fear. He let out a gossipy gasp.

'OMG sister!' He said with a girlish gossip tone. 'Do tell!'

'Go away Bruce, I want a men free morning.' I sighed.

'Sounds impossible since you live in a house loaded with hefty men,' I glared at him. 'What? I'm saying the truth. What did you see?'

'Not now Bruce,'


'Maybe,' I sighed. I stopped running and held my waist. 'Remind me why we took the stairs again?'

'Because you have been crushing on the stairs and finding means to confess your feelings,'

'Idiot,' I said and pushed him away by palming his face. He hit the wall and laughed. I jumped into the banister and slid down to the bottom of the stairs but that didn't give me joy. I didn't say anything, just kept running until I was out of the house and running around with eyes closed. I sighed with relief, I was feeling a lot more better, at least not until I bumped into a wall and fell on the floor. 'Ouch!' I cried, my bum. I raised my head and looked up at the wall, my joy washed off immediately.

'Morning sunshine, sleep well.' That wasn't a question, it was a mocking sentence. I huffed and rubbed my butt as I stood up, anger radiating from my chest to my brain.

'I was hoping you would die in your sleep,' I spat angrily. He arched a brow at me and smirked. Damn his sexiness! Why does he have to look so sexy and drool worthy in the morning and n..... Keep it together Cookie!

'I'm not that easy to kill Sunshine,' he said with a teasing wink, one that made my cheeks turn red. Hmmm, that's odd. 'Hope you are looking forward to working for me again, today to be precise.'

'I rather be one of your sex maid here and satisfy a random man than be with you,' I so didn't mean that. He grinned, a sort of grin that made me hug myself with a slight shiver. 'What are you grinning about?'

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