Chapter 8

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Ursula laughed as she looked at my outfit, I was in a happy jam this morning, decided to go out flashy but she was laughing. I wore a crazy ripped rainbow jeans, white high low key hole top and yellow faux boots; I looked really nice. 'Shit man!'

'Are you sure you are okay?' I asked poutingly.

'I don't know,'

'Is there anything wrong with what I'm wearing?'

'One, why not just wear white top, white boots and carry a white bag instead of mixing the colour?'

'Its a rainbow jeans, how is it bad?'

'That is the least of your problem,' she continued laughing.

'What's the major?'

'What the hell are you wearing as makeup? What kind of hairstyle is.....oh my God.....ha ha did you even get your hair to stand like....ha ha ha...Vee, you look like a clown faced rainbow Maglificent with that hair and makeup.'

I smiled proudly and smoothen my cool hairstyle. I was messing around with my hair and boom! My hair stood up like Maglificent; I look awesome! 'Isn't it beautiful? I did it myself,' I said proudly.

'Obvi, you are in crazy mode, aren't you?'

'Crazy mode? I don't have any mode,' I argued. She and many kept saying I have modes.

'You have baby mode, cute mode, sexy, stern, just humorous, smart, deadly, angry psycho punchie punchie, elegant princessa, voracious snapper, cook freak mode...'

'Cook freak?'

'When you are in cooking mode. You also have mommy mode, big sister mode, tomboy mode, grandpa mode....'

'You are saying rubbish,' I scoffed.

'Switching to saucy mode,' she smirked. I rolled my eyes and started laughing, why am I laughing again? 'Laugh laugh Viona raucous.' She laughed, I rolled my eyes.

'Let's just go to school,' I said with nose up high.

'Snooty mode,'

'Stop calling everything I do mode!'

'Shriek!' She shrieked laughingly. I charged at her, she screamed and ran out of the room. I chased her outside to the lawn then stopped to lock the door. 'Are we trekking together? Yesterday you were in cheetah mode and I suffered for it...aaah!' She screamed and laughed as I threw a pebble at her. She ducked and wiggled her butt mockingly.

'Bitch mode,' I smirked.

'I only have no mode, I'm just Ursula baby,' she said and fist pumped the air.

'Well Ursula,' I said with hips cocked. 'If we don't get to school fast, we will miss a very important test and we wouldn't want that, would we?'

'Since when did you care about books?'

'Are you shitty me!' I exclaimed. 'I still don't care,'

'The only mode you don't have is intelligence, you hate books and education either way and yet you never fail. You are just too....'

'Amazing? Extravagantly glorious, I know,' I said smugly. 'Tell me something I don't already know.'

'You have a big head, a very big one and I think someone slept on your chest while growing up.' She tittered, the one insult that set me into my default setting but she's Ursula, don't care much.

'You gotta be proud of your booby isn't it hon?' I asked smirkingly. 'Check this goody out,' I shook my main attraction, ass baby! 'Do you have this motherfucker? Nada...'

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