Chapter 12

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You wanna know the cool thing about being an intelligent prankster, you get to be always prepared or the unexpected. I knew Yolanda's father would make due of his threat so I was able to block my ears with the earplug I always carry in the pocket of my pantie. Yes, I always wear pocket panties just in case of emergency. Well, I was tied to a chair in a room, Yolanda's singing voice record playing and me nodding my head to it like I was enjoying it. I could only hear a little of her loud voice, not enough to rattle my brain.

I tapped my foot as I pretended to sing along with a similar bad voice, just to get under his skin. My hands were tied behind my back, I wasn't comfortable but I had no choice. 'You are the most annoying human being I have ever met,' I heard him said, it was almost inaudible because of the plugs. 'Untie her.'

Joyful exclamation!

I got released and the blindfold removed, I smiled innocently at him and swayed myself back to forth with hands still behind my back. Oh, I know I was totally pulling off my cute baby look and he would fall just like everyone else. 'Yolanda's daddy....'

'Ame,' he corrected coldly.

'Can I go to my room now? You literally pulled me out of my bed at three in the morning and made me listen to this fabulous concert,' I removed one hand and waved it around, making pleasing gestures to exaggerate how much I enjoyed the concert I didn't listen to. 'If I knew she sounded so good, I wouldn't have left earlier today. I am sure you must be proud of her, she's got her daddy's voice.' I taunted him in the most sweetest voice I had ever used.

His eyes twitched. 'I'm still going to make you suffer for what you did,'

'Don't you think you are too old to be getting back at a kid? I'm just sixteen,' I battered my lashes cutely and pouted..

'Sixteen my ass,' he turned around and walked out of the room, grumbling to himself. Of course, my stubborn pestering button was activated so I skipped after him.

'Mr. Ame,'

'Get lost,' he spat venomously.

'Have anyone ever told you your legs look like fat tubers of yam?' I asked, looking at his slightly hairy but straight legs, his walking step was a-ma-zing. 'Two really fat amoeba legs?' He growled but ignored me. If he can shave his legs, I will worship them. I ran my eyes up to his back, damn! He is muscular! 'Your back look like a over punched wall.'

'Why are you following me? Do you want to die?'

'Death, this life is meaningless, very meaningless.' I said with a shrug.

'And why is that?'

'Everyone live by grace, favor from thee who actually created us; what assurance do we have that a building won't just drop down on us anytime from now? What makes us think that we can just go outside and get hit by a bus? We can be poisoned, shot at, beaten to death, framed for a crime we didn't commit, fall sick and die at anytime and even sleep and never wake up. You are a mob king, you should understand what I mean by this.'

'That is a very cynical view,'

'I know, but it's just life.'

'You are right though,' he said lowly, looking ahead. Such a peaceful conversation we were having but then the buttons in me switched, one I couldn't control. I looked at his ass, eek! Big booty! I squealed and clapped my hands, an action that made him flinch. 'Are you insane!'

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