Chapter 26

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'Don't let me
Don't let me
Don't let me down
Don't let me down
Don't let me down down down...' I sang along as I made the coffees for the workers, that was my job, coffee girl. Not exactly just coffee girl, I delivered drinks to everyone, and snacks too and if they wish, food. It was the best I could get, I couldn't specifically use my original certificate with my real name to get any job. I could have gotten a secretary with my fake one but some bitch had to use her puss to steal it away from me, so here I am.

I was busy making coffees for the senior women who sent me, that was the order. I sang along to Don't let me down by Chainsmokers to keep myself busy. So far, I had been able to think less of Ted and more of me, I was moving on to my relief.

You call stalking him on social media while sobbing and stuffing your face with pizza or cookies moving on?

Shut up, it's a starter.

Yeah, sureeeee.

Oh be quiet! What do you know about me, I'm moving on.

Wow, I'm not your subconscious again, I know nothing about you at all. She said sarcastically.

Well, I'm moving, I already have a new crush to prove that. I said with nose high, remembering the cute guy that I was crushing on. He was super nice to me. He's just too sexy, so gorgeous...

Oh pe-lease, you call that dork sexy? She snorted. He has nothing on our Coco. He is flat at every area and that hideous red hair of his. Have you seen his green eyes? So lame. Ted's more dreamier. Remember how thick his muscles were? How it kept you safe when you slept in his arms? The comfort...

I clicked my tongue... Are you trying to help me remember him or forget? Weren't you the one who said to move on!

I said move on to someone that can be still be compared to Ted and have enough points, that guy is zero in everything. What do you see in him?

What do you see in a serial killer like Ted! I snapped.

Idiot, I'm your subconscious. That useless question is meant for you, not me or rather for that softie in your chest.

Why am I even talking to you! Get lost!

Oops, your coffee overflowed... She sniggered. I snapped out of it and whimpered at the mess I created.

Stupid mind.

I quickly cleared the mess, made another set and hurried to meet the women at the marketing department. 'Sorry I'm late!' I shouted, rushing in.

'Finally, what kept you?'

'I was arguing with my subconscious,' I said sheepishly. They laughed.

'You will never stop amusing us,' one woman laughed.

'What was the argument about?'

'Comparison of my ex and my present crush, that stupid subconscious won't agree to see the new one as good enough! I mean what does she expect me to do?! Keep dying because of a ex that doesn't care about me again! She's so annoying!' I yelled, pacing around. 'She said "Co...Nicole, move on and forget about that prick!" Now I'm moving on and she's denying me the right to admire someone...'

'Nicole, you do realise that your subconscious isn't a totally different person from you, right?' One man laughed.

'Of course she is! She's Aileen and I'm Nicole, see?' I asked them as I made my point. They broke into a peal of laughter. I pouted, my eyes watering.

'Uh oh, she's switching to cry baby mode,' a woman laughed.

'I am not!' I whined, stomping my foot childishly.

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