Chapter 1

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Segment one 


I tapped my feet nervously with my hands between my legs as I waited for dad to arrive and kill me. I was in the Vice Chancellor's office with five angry lecturers glaring holes into my head. What? Why are they so old? I rolled my eyes to the student I beat up, his face was brutally ruined, it would take him months to get his ugly face back to normal and I'm proud about that. The door opened as dad walked in, I grinned immediately his eyes landed on me. He sighed heavily and face palmed himself.

'The Chancellor is inside,' the secretary said. Dad nodded, gave me one final glare before walking to the office. I sat down there and waited, I could hear the Chancellor yelling at the top of his voice.

'You are really trouble,' Prof. Redbrick said with hate. I snarled at him, he flinched and cleared his throat. I smirked and winked at him, I'm a bitch. Dad walked out minutes later, steam coming out of his ears and nose.

'Move,' he commanded and walked out. I gladly picked up my bag and ran out after him, I stayed five feet behind him for safety reasons. He walked with so much anger, like I did anything serious. Student scurried away from me the moment they saw me, fuck! I love being feared. His guard opened the door for us, I jumped in behind him, not daring to say a word. We drove home in silence, I knew he was saving the yelling for when we get home and I was waiting for the yells I was use to.

When the car stopped at home, I jumped out of the moving car, he's use to me always jumping out of a moving car. I ran inside, mom please don't be at work. I sighed with relief when I saw her there braiding her little niece's hair. 'Mom,' I cooed and hugged her, switching to cute mood.

'You got into a fight again,' she sighed.

'He insulted me,'

'A he again!'

'Not just a he!' Here it comes. 'She beat up men, men Monica!' He yelled.

'Devon please calm down, don't yell at our daughter that way...' I tapped my cousin to go upstairs. What's that her name again?

'Don't tell me to calm down!!! Don't tell me!!!' I picked up mom's glass of yoghurt and sipped it. 'She got into a fight with four men, tall hefty ones....'

'You didn't even see them....'

'Be quiet!'


'Why did she beat them up? Because they whistled at her and commented on her body. Then her lecturer tried to intervene but alas! He's unconscious in a fucking hospital!'

'School clinic actually,' I chipped in. Mom smacked my arm. 'Whaaat,' I drawled poutingly.

'One of the guy's face was brutally bruised, something I will pay a lot of money on. The second which is the Chancellor's nephew, got a dislocated kneecap. The third will need eye surgery and the last, God help you the cops don't hold you for attempted murder.'

'I didn't hurt them that much, they didn't just commented on my body, they tried to touch me.' I defended, dropping the yogurt.

'Tried!' He snorted. 'Have anyone ever successfully come ten feet close to you!'

'What is your problem Cookie,' mom sighed. 'Why are you trying to kill us....'

'She's just like your father! A fucking idiot and he is the one pampering her....'

'Don't insult my father Devon, please.'

'Well, congratulations, you have been expelled....'

'Again!' Mom yelled, turning around to me. 'This is the 7th college you have been expelled from!' She cried, her eyes watering. 'Why do you want to kill me Cookie, what have I done to you!' I sighed, I hate it when she cries.

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