Chapter 18

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I squirmed slightly, I felt really really cold which was so wrong. I can swear that in the middle of the night, I woke up partially and felt someone holding me very very tight. I didn't wake up to see his face but I assume it's Bruce, that hugging thief. He's better than that Ted who couldn't even stay with me...why do I even want him to stay with me? Whatever. I sat up from the bed and pouted, it would have been better if it was Ted.

I stood up and screamed, that was when I remembered I had injured ankles. I whimpered and broke into a sob; I thought the cast was suppose to stop the pain! So much pain. I sniffed and rubbed my eyes, how's Ursula? I haven't heard from her for a day now.

'Vee,' Yolanda called walking into my room. 'Are you feeling pains?'

'Forgot my ankles were bad,' I said with a painful laugh, the bittersweet feeling was back. 'I'm fine though,'

'Where's that bastard called Bruce!' Yolanda shouted. I sighed and gave her a look. 'I'm sorry,' she sat down on the bed with a little struggle and placed her hands between her legs. 'How was yesterday with dad?'

'It was okay, I frustrated him very well.' I grinned while trying to dig my nail into one of the cast.

'Okay, he didn't hurt you?' She asked with concern

'He didn't, just forced me to take drugs which is very malicious of him,' she rolled her eyes. 'But it's true! Drugs are alien weaponized poisons in tablet form. One by one, it will wipe us all out.'

'Sure it will,' she said sarcastically. Bruce barged into my room, obviously not expecting Yolanda to be there.

'Oh! I'm sorry little M...'

'Swallow that little back into your throat or I will show you what it means to be little,' she said with a glare. He bowed his head with a straight face.

'I'm sorry, what name should I address you as?'

'I wasn't born without a name bitch,'

'Sorry Miss Allen,'

'Yolanda will do,' she corrected. 'Now what the fuck were you thinking rushing into a woman's room like that! What if she was naked!'

'I'm sorry Miss Yolanda,'

'Stop the royalty act, it's sickening,' I hissed. 'Bruce my man! How was your night? Terrible because you missed me.'

He snorted and looked at Yolanda who rolled her eyes away. 'If I should miss anything about you, I'll miss your crying.'

I frowned. 'What's that suppose to mean?'

'Huwei! I can't take drugs!' He screamed babyishly, mimicking my voice. Yolanda burst into laughter.

'Did she really cry?'

'Yes, also took an hour to take the drugs, boss almost clawed his eyes off.' Soon they were laughing their stomach out as he narrated everything I did to Ted yesterday; he was spying.

'Well, I was in pain.' Was my only defense.

'Do you know he went all the way to Naples to get her food and returned freezing cold at night...'

'He did?' Yolanda and I asked simultaneously.

'Yeah, to think about it...' He stroke his chin thoughtfully. 'He never came out for three hours and when he come out, he dismissed me. I wonder if he went back to sleep or...' He left his words hanging and looked at me, my hands instinctively flew to my body. I checked myself frantically, I was safe.

'My dad can't do such a thing,' Yolanda defended. 'I am eighty percent sure,' she added sheepishly. Then I remembered someone slept beside me, had me in his arms. I smiled creepily and nodded; somebody wants to be nice to me.

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