Chapter 5

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I observed the house quietly, the place was nice enough and good enough to hide. I got into town, hid in the market, not until I saw the rainbow hair girl with fancy blue medicated glasses. Something about her just clicked to me, I had a feeling she would accept me easily, like a crazy nice girl and I was right. The other blonde one didn't seem to like me though, kept eyeing me suspiciously.

'Where is she going to stay?'

'In my room, that way you won't have to kill me,' Viona said calmly, the other one speaks much more calmer than her. Viona has this beautiful soft voice, like very light, as in light voice that gives you butterflies in your stomach. Once you hear her voice, the first words that would come out of your mouth is "awwwwwm, so adorable." Her voice can pull crowd, calm the angriest heart. No matter how angry you are, I am sure her voice can make you calm; just too delicate and light.

To add to her enchanting voice, she had the perfect cute face to finalize the enchantment. She's tall enough, ivory skinned and curvy in a dainty kind of way; just perfect. Ursula however, just spoke really softly, like if she shouts, her vocal cord will get damage. She's probably a shy or calm person, their voices are cute. Ursula is taller than Viona, too heavy on the chest, slender but not curvy. She's beautiful though, black beauty.

'Will you be okay staying in my room? As least until I can clear and move to the basement?' Oh my God! I just love her voice, I wanna be like her when I grow up. Hmm, with Ursula's boobs though, Viona needs em.

'Your voice is so cute,' I said sheepishly.

She smiled. 'Thank you, helps me get away with many mischief,'

I giggled and played with the hem of my skirt. 'You don't have to stay in the basement, we can share, I don't mind.' I normally hate sharing but she's nice.

'Alright, follow me then.' She instructed and disappeared into a foyer.

'Be down quick, I'm making dinner. What would you like to eat?' Ursula asked coldly.

'Please stop looking at me like I'm going to steal your girlfriend,' I said lucidly. 'I only asked for a place to stay temporarily, not forever so cut your fucked up attitude and act like a fucking adult.' I snarled at her. She blinked, what? I swear, so fucking what!

'Good kids don't swear,' she said with arms akimbo.

'When you have lived in the street and become streetwise, you learn to ghettoize yourself.'

'Wow, you're smarter than most kids your age,' she smiled. 'I like that. Welcome to the family and please, Viona is my older sister and you can call me UA.'

'Eh? Is that a name? I will rather stick with Ursula or better,' I looked at her bright blonde hair and smirked. 'Blondie.'

'Please don't call me that,'

'Blondie it is, bye Blondie....' I chirped and ran to the foyer. 'And make me bake beans for dinner!!!' I shouted. There were four doors in the foyer; one said bathroom, the other, studio, the third Barbie rules and the last one was a painting of a guy being beheaded. Seriously? I knew it was Viona's with immediate effect. 'She is so my style.' I smiled. I walked to the door and opened it, she was going through her wardrobe.

'The towel on the bed, use it. I have extra everything, manage them for now. In the bathroom, there's a pink toothbrush and sponge, in fact, anything pink is for you.'

'Alright, thank you Vee,'

'You're welcome. I will drop what you will wear first, then run to the pharmacy to get drugs for your wound.'

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