Chapter 39

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I stood in the dark corner watching Tye and Hezekiah panic as they stared at the door with fear, repeatedly saying something about them being doom if the plan didn't work. I tapped my foot silently. Having such little body was to my own advantage, they couldn't see me at all.

'What if Patricia can't pull it off? What if....shit! We forgot to tell her not to speak!' Tye exclaimed.

'Why does it matter?'

'Her voice Hezekiah! Her voice! Even a fool will be able to sense the difference if she speaks. Ame's girlfriend has a very light and beautiful voice, remember?'

'We just have to pray Tricia uses her sense or we are definitely doomed.'

'Yolanda,' dad called shakily. He was breathing heavily like he was going to break down. I couldn't speak. I removed the poisonous hairpins from my hair and switched the pins to the poisonous ones. I used my other hand to drag out my small pistol, dad's sixth year birthday gift to me. I really love the thing, it's purple and lavender, my favorite colours.

Sure it's weird to have such a thing as a gift but are we normal?

I whipped my hand in the hair, sending the pins straight into Hezekiah's temples. 'Aaaah!'

'Hezekiah, what's...' I held the gun with both hands, cocked my gun and shot at Tye's knees. He screamed out in pain and tried to reach out for one of his guns on the table. I shot his elbows and then his other knee. He groaned and rolled on the ground helplessly.

I have to hand it to you fear, you can make the mighty lose their senses.

A man as old as Tye in the mafia, after so much experience, forgot all just because someone stronger is attacking. I rather say he's a coward.

I placed my finger on the bug as I walked out, shooting Hezekiah's knees and hands too. The poison is to make his death slow and painful. 'Yeah, dad?'

'Cookie,' he choked.

'Dad, are you crying?' I asked with widen eyes. He didn't answer again. I glared at Tye who was sneering at me.

'After all my years of killing and watching many beg for mercy at my feet, I die in the hands of a child. What type of fate is this!' He yelled out in exasperation and pain.

'Not actually, I'm saving you for dad but him however,' I looked at Hezekiah who was already bleeding and jerking to death. 'Will die by my hands.'

'No, you better kill me now than...' I ignored him.

'Barrow, the bomb?'

'I'm having serious difficulty here! You guys better leave, just in case.'



'Can someone come over and help me carry Tye? I don't exactly have the strength to carry a grown up man.' I said impatiently. I need to get to dad.

'I'm on my way,' Georgia said. I started pacing.

'What did you do to my mother?!' I yelled at Tye.

'Killed her, why?'

'You killed her?' I asked through gritted teeth.

'Accidentally. She wouldn't have died if she had just stayed put and willingly given up her memories. She slipped into a permanent coma so I got rid of her body.' No matter what I am, no matter how strong I am, I am still a child.

I burst into tears. 'No, you are lying! She's not dead! You can't tell me that!' I screamed.

'On the bright side, I get to make Ame suffer after all. I might not have successfully killed him, but I did leave a scar, don't you think?' The door flew open with such a force it ripped off the wall and fell. Dad stood there with eyes red and murderous, shoulders rising and falling as he breathe heavily and animalistically. Tye gulped and tried to shift back.

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