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Back arched, head thrown back on the bed, I moaned endlessly, squirming under him. Ted had his head between my legs as he ate me, driving me insane with pleasure with his tongue, teeth and fingers. It was the little time we had together, one of our very few moments and we spent it either talking or filling our sexual life. It wasn't easy, especially when I had a very clingy daughter, she wouldn't let me be for twenty minutes. Most nights, she slept in our room, pushing Ted off the bed to sleep on the floor or anywhere else. It wasn't all bad, Ted was always too busy to care.

'Aaaaaaaah!' Ted jumped away from me with shock, even I did. I sat up immediately, using the duvet to cover myself. 'Daddy, what are you doing to my mother? How dare you bite her?!' Ted glared at me.

'I swear, I locked the door...'

'I'll kill you for hurting my mommy!' She tried to climb into our tall bed but couldn't. She huffed with annoyance. 'Daddy, help me in so I can kill you.' Most times, she used a stool to climb on.

'I wasn't hurting your mother...'

'Mommy!' She shrieked tearily. I sighed and scoot over to her. I carried her into the bed and shifted back. 'Now, where were we? Yes, I was killing you.' She attacked Ted, hitting him with her tiny fists, kicking him too though failing. Ted laughed, he always found it amusing. I used that opportunity to get dressed. Ted had her pinned under him.


'No! No fair daddy, you're bigger and shwunger and taller. Look at your muscles, I don't have any... Mommy tell daddy to let him fall so I can defeat him.' She whined.

'Coco...' He rolled over on the bed, pulling her to straddle his bare stomach. She squealed in excitement and stood up, standing on his stomach.

'Yes! I'm the champinon!'

'Should I flip you over?' Ted laughed.

'Why were you biting mommy?' She asked with a cute annoyed pout.

'Because she needed punishment...'

'I'll pumish you too...' She jumped on his stomach. Ted shouted in pain.

'Cookie,' he moaned, rolling to his side. She fell on the bed on her butt, but that didn't stop her. She attacked him with her teeth, sinking it into his bicep. Ted yelped out, it's impossible to get her off when she bites. 'I'm sorry, I'm sorry,' he pleaded. 'Cookie!'

'Okay, okay, baby, enough.' I laughed, pulling her away. She always listens to me.

'Next time, don't touch my mommy,' she threatened and blew raspberry. I laughed as Ted inspected his bleeding arm.

'I thought she lost all her teeth!'

'She's four Coco, she hasn't gotten there yet...'

'Her baby teeth just ripped out my flesh! Yolanda!'

'Calm down and get it...' She burst into tears. 'Baby, what's wrong?'

'I hurt daddy, Cookie is a monster,' she sobbed. Cookie is four, my only daughter. Ted refused any name except Cookie, so her name is Cookie with Carina as her middle name. Yolanda loves calling her CC.

'No baby, you're not a monster...'

'Daddy's bieding because of Cookie,' she cried loudly, tears soaking her face and gown like water.

'Baby, you didn't hurt daddy,'

'Don't lie to me, I'm not four...'

'Ironic,' Ted muttered. I glared dagger at him. 'Okay sunshine! Want daddy to forgive you?' She nodded eagerly. 'Grow wings and get lost...'

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