Chapter 14

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I stared at dad as he stared back at me with his cold look; the one he uses on every other people but me. Since what happened two days ago, he had been very quiet, locked away and obviously thinking, the next thing I knew, I was here. He sat behind his office table, his palms folded under his chin and lips pressed into a thin line; he was terrifying me.

'Dad, are you going to speak now?' He remained mute, his gaze turning colder and sharper. 'Please? My teacher is waiting for me...'

'You wouldn't be having any lessons today, I cancelled it.'


'Yolanda, with the recent happening around me, I have been forced to realise that I am going too far with your training and the authority I am giving to you....'

'What is that suppose to mean?'

'First, rules will be laid down along with adequate punishments for each disobediences.'

'Teddy Berry, is this you talking?'

'From now on Yolanda, you will live by my rules, abide by my decisions or be punished for disobediences like I said just now. The main rules to be noted; never interrupt me when I speak, don't look me in the eyes like we are age mates, don't use any form of command tone on me, don't yell at the names of the specific men I will give to you, be quiet when we speak because you are just a child.....'

'But dad....'

'You have gone too far Yolanda!' He yelled out angrily. 'Killing my men, punishing River for no reason, attacking me!'

'You told me not to be weak!' I yelled back at him.

'In case your foolish mind haven't registered, I am Ame, Head of all Mafias, what right do you have to question or talk to me with such insolence?'

I kept shut, he was right. 'But dad....'

'I have had enough, given you enough time to start getting use to us, to know your place but it seems like you don't know who you are and what I am capable of doing....'

'I'm sorry,' I sobbed.

'For yelling back at me, not even talking, the first punishment will be served.'

'No, I will start behaving now, please?' I pleaded in tears, clasping my hands together. I know how ruthless dad can be when he is in king mode, I honestly overstepped my boundaries.

'The next time you make any mistake, I will start by roasting those dogs of yours and making you eat their meat, is that clear?' He asked acidly, I could literally feel the poison going down my own throat. 'Here,' he pushed a big book to me. 'That's the rules and all you need to know, now get out of my office and remain in your room reading that.'

'Yes, daddy,' I said sadly. I carried the big green book and jumped down from the chair. I walked out of his office and headed to the stairs, Vee was coming. 'Vee,' I sobbed.

'Baby, what's wrong?' She asked worriedly, I don't like her uniform.

'Daddy scolded me,'


'He said I'm over the top rude, arrogant and bossy; that I'm overstepping my boundaries and disobeying him.'

'And is he wrong?' She asked calmly with a frown. 'You are just seven, think about what you are becoming. This shitty business killed your mother, father, grandmother, grandfather and might probably kill him too. Is that what you want with your life?'

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