Chapter 42

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I drummed my fingers as I stared at dad smiling at his phone, obviously chatting with that witch. The stupid woman who thinks she is just like Vee, I hate her so much but dad's subconscious have twisted and convinced him that she is Cookie. I have tried talking to him, for the pass six months, but nothing was working. The more he missed the original Cookie, the more he believes he is in love with the new one, Carlina.

Can't he see how much she fakes?

Can't he see the malicious look in her eyes whenever he looks at Cookie's photos on the wall?

Why isn't he listening to me?

He forbade all of us from interfering, my hands were tied. Right now, all I wanted was to die too so I won't live to see this going on. Mom, where are you? Why can't you come back and take your place before dad gets drown in his obsession? Why can't you just show up?

'Yolanda, are you okay?' He asked, looking at me. I smiled and licked the tears off my lips. 'Why are you crying?' He wasn't even looking for mom again, he gave up. The door opened and the devil skipped in. Dad's concerned face brightened up, a very big smile crossed his lips.

'Cutie!' She squealed. She ran to him and sat on his laps. 'How have you been?'

'Very good, especially now that you are here.' He smiled, pushing his head into her chest. She looked at me and smirked deviously.

'Hi Yolanda, how are you?' I stood up and walked out, wiping the tears that kept running down my cheeks. 'Yolanda honey, what's wrong?' I opened his office door and walked out. She came after me and blocked my way by crouching in front of me with a plastic smile. 'Yolanda, I know you don't like me, I know you feel like I am taking your father away from you but I assure you that I love him, genuinely...' I walked out on her and headed to the stairs.

'Yolanda, don't be rude to my guest...' I gave dad my middle finger as I walked along. I got to the stairs and jumped on the banister, slid across it with a new plan in my mind. If he wasn't going to find her, I will do that myself. I found my way to River's office at the second house, he was busy playing videogame.

'River,' I called sternly. He sighed and swayed his chair around to look at me. 'I want you to do me a favor, a very big one.'

'Is it a favor that involves finding Miss Happy?'


'Good, I already have a lead and Carlos has already sent Bruce and Georgia over to investigate.' I hurried to him with big eyes.

'Any lead?'

'So, you know how we have been looking for bodies that came from the sea or anyone who was rescued from shore?'


'Marilyn said something very smart two weeks ago. She was just asking herself questions and I couldn't help but pick up three. What if Miss Happy didn't lose her memory or fell into a coma as we were told? What if she was taken somewhere else by air or land? What if she did lose her memories but escaped and was found by someone else? The questions sparked an idea so I made an algorithm to search for every memory loss related cases for females for the past two years. I made a specific search on anyone with rainbow coloured hair or any coloured hair and also took my time to go through the brain cases your father had been called for the past two years.

Luckily for me, I found one which sparked my interest. She didn't have a name or age or any specific way to identify her except for the fact that the woman who found her claimed she was homeless. The chief doctor had been trying to reach your father since but he shoved it all away. According to the email he sent, her case was complicated and very difficult to understand because the source of her brain issue wasn't able to be detected. I told Carlos and he sent Bruce and Georgia to investigate.'

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