Chapter 38

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Rubbing my thumbs on my temples, I inhaled and practiced my breathing exercise so I won't get a heart attack or shoot River down for being too slow in tracking Cookie down. See the reason why I didn't want to let her out? She was as good as dead if I couldn't find her and also dead once I found her because with the way I threw a tantrum at the party like a kid who just lost his new hover board, I'm sure half the underworld already knew how I felt about her. I also knew many would want to get her first, many would be looking for her as we speak, so I had to find her first or I'm dead.

Cephas was a broken mess. From finding out the daughter he always dreamt of having but thought died was alive to losing her before he got the chance to actually hold her with full knowledge of having her back. He was one inches close to having her mother killed, one teensy bitty inch away from going down to her himself and breaking her skull open. That was the cherry on top wasn't it? I was in love with the daughter of the only man I respect. It was a great thing for me when I found out. I could be with her without any problem because it would be like an arrangement but all of that have been flushed down the drain.

'Dad,' Yolanda called softly. Squeezing my thigh with her small hand. I looked at her, she smiled assuredly, the only smile that have been comforting me since Cookie was taken four days ago. I was still wondering what went wrong with the trackers and bugs, what went wrong with the goddamn security I placed everywhere! 'Dad, you are tensing up again, relax.'

'That is not helping,' I growled.

'Getting angry and beating River up again won't solve the issue. He is trying his best and if you kill him, who would track her down because even if you won't admit it, we both know he knows his way around computers more than you or anyone here. So calm down and try to breathe and don't think of what she might be going through there...' I whimpered at that thought. 'Think of how she makes you happy.'

'I shouldn't have left her...'

'No, no, no, I will not have you drown in pitiful thoughts. Cookie would want you to be strong for her, very very strong for her. Now calm down and try to relax while I try to figure out who could have possibly taken her. Carlos is still useless as it seems,' she paused and looked at Carlos who was staring into space, still freaked out about having a baby because he couldn't abort the child or she dies and he doesn't want to lose her. 'And Bruce isn't the smartest in the thinking department... Heck! I doubt he even has a brain to begin with...'

'I will have you know I have a big brain, thank you very much.' Bruce – who wasn't too far from us – retorted like a small child.

'There is difference between having a brain and actually having one. Everyone have a brain but not every brain is worth something Bruce, remember that.' Yolanda replied calmly.

'Don't insult me kid, you can't afford my brain.'

She tilted her head with amusement and sneered. 'Now I understand why Vee said common sense is not a gift, it's a punishment...'

'Because you have to deal with everyone who doesn't have it,' I completed with a smile. She managed to say that whenever we got into a worthless argument sometimes when she was playing the mature one. Damn! I miss her.

'Bruce, suck it up, you don't have sense.' Lance laughed because he thinks laughing in my situation makes sense.

'Talk again and I will punch your face senselessly,' Bruce threatened.

'Why exaggerate by your senselessness? We know you are senseless to begin with so shut up and let us listen to someone else with bigger sense,' Sylvester added.

'Kettles,' Yolanda scoffed. Barrow and Maurice snorted out a laugh. 'Don't even dare.' She warned.

'Found her!' River exclaimed triumphantly. I flew out of my seat and was pushing him out of the way before he could speak again.

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