Chapter 27

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I stared at myself in the mirror, encouraging myself that what I was doing was right, it wasn't wrong anyways, Ted and I never dated. Okay, the main problem was that Ted could find out I was going on a date and kill Lino, he has jealousy disorder. I wore black tights, tights artistically designed to be splattered with paint, so it eventually look like black with long sprays and drips of red, mango, lemon, emerald, sapphire, fuchsia and lilac paint across it. I pulled on black wedges, some black and coral anklets, few chunky brackets, decorated my fingers with colourful rings and made my hair up into a tight controlled bun at the side of my hair with some few curls falling down to frame my face. To top my colourful outfit, I wore a white shirt with dubs and tied a rainbow scarf around my neck.


I made my makeup light but pink and emerald, beautiful if I do say so myself. My phone vibrated from where I dropped it on the bed, I hurried to it and unlocked my phone. It was a text from Lino.

"Sorry, something came up, can't pick you up. Meet me at the location, I'll be there 😝."

'Hmm, that's odd,' I mused, Lino's texting style is usually always accompanied with hearts, not silly face emoji. I shrugged it off and picked up my rainbow bag, I don't know why I feel like I look ridiculous but whatever. I locked my apartment and made my way to the elevator as I sang loudly, I still didn't feel any excitement at all. I got into the elevator which already had three other guys in it. They kept muttering about my dressing, voice and beauty, like I was too deaf to hear them. 'Oh hips don't lie...' I sang as I walked out of the elevator, tapping my side.

'Hey, rainbow girl,' I kept walking, that isn't my name as long as I am not wearing my rainbow hair dye. I really miss that hair, it made so much sense. I tried cutting my hair when I dyed it strawberry blonde but it grew back again so eventually, I gave up.

'Hey,' the other one said, touching my shoulder. I stopped and look over at him with questioning brow. He removed his hand and smiled warmly. 'Hi, I'm Caleb and these are my brothers Ray and Nicholas, we just wanted to talk to you.'

'What about?'

'Awwwwn,' they awed because of my voice.

'You have a really sweet talking voice,'

'More pleasant than your singing voice.'

'So my singing voice is bad,' I said feigning hurt.

'What, no no, that's not what I said,' Nicholas who said that gushed. I laughed and shook my head.

'Was kidding, thank you.'

'We have seen you here a lot, we are actually lucky to cross your path today, you live here right?' Caleb asked as we walked out.

'Yes, obviously.'

'Our floor is just two numbers higher,' I think Nicholas is the dumb one.

'What use is this information?' I sighed.

'Look, it's just that I would really like to get to know you,' Ray said sheepishly, itching the scruff of his neck. I look up at him and analyzed the guy, not bad at all, better than Lino. His hair wasn't just your usual light or dark brown hair, he had a mixture of both, strawberry blonde and chestnut to add to it. His eyes which was hazel with a bit of brown matched his hair so well. His skin was peach, clean peach and he had the one thing I adore in men; muscles. I smiled at him, feeling my mind purr as I took in the handsome dude beside me. 'I know it's weird and all but I have been meaning to ask you since you moved in here, I know...'

'Gabbling, hate it,' I said, widening my smile. 'The name's Nicole Jackson, I don't mind making new friends, thank you.'

'Hey! We are name buddies!' Nicolas exclaimed.

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