Chapter 17

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I tapped on my computer meticulously, at least trying to be meticulous about it. How do you tolerate someone just sleeping across your working table singing "I'm bored Teddy, I'm so fucking bored" repeatedly. Even when she dozed off, her lips were still chanting the same thing over and over again. Bruce carried her to my office because he claimed she won't stop screaming, demanding and crying that she was brought here; I don't blame him, I'm the only one I know – so far – that can snub her adorableness. The worse is she always whining about hunger every one hour, her future husband – if I let her have one – will suffer if she ever gets pregnant.

'Oh! I'm so fucking bored!
Now I'm starting to get hungry again!...'

'You just ate an hour ago!'

'Why are you shouting?' She whispered softly. 'Don't you know I am a growing child?' Mind I add that she was laying upsidedown on the couch with her legs tapping the wall. Even though she was wincing from the pain, she still continued.

'I'm trying to concentrate here,'

'The body needs nourishment to grow, I need to grow.'

'I'ma gonna shove that nourishment down your throat if you don't shut up!'

'Can you shove down some black and whites too? I'm starving.'

'Black and what?'

'Black and whites, you know, as in a kind of donuts? Just give me food already!'

'You know what else I'll love to force down that throat of yours?...'

'Yeah yeah yeah, your dick, I get the memo. Save that for when I get heal and is completely your slave, for now, let me enjoy my liberty while it last.'

'I was going to say acid, are you that desperate to get nourishment from me,' I said smirkingly.

'Acid with cherry on top!' She squealed. I sighed and rolled my eyes. 'Can I eat now? I'm still hungry.'

I pressed the intercom muttering, 'Get me a box of black and white donuts....anything else?'

'Strawberry juice,'

'Orange juice,'

'Hey! I said strawberry!'

'Five minutes, hand it over to Bruce when you get here.'

'Okay sir,' I disconnected it and glared at her.

'Can I go back to work now?'

'Work away,' she said grinningly. I looked at her face, the way she winced slightly.

'Lay down properly, you are hurting.'

'I love the pain,'


'The sharp pain putting my legs up here gives, I'm enjoying it. Its like a bittersweet feeling, totally pleasurable.' I looked at the young girl and shook my head, complete psychopath. Her colour blinding rainbow hair flowed down the chair to the floor like a rainbow waterfall and piled up at the bottom. The bounce of her leg which made her body shake slightly, made her hair looked like waves. I rolled my eyes up to her lips, a creepy smile made it way to my lips. She had this habit of muttering to herself unknowingly when in silence or in thought, and her fingers always play with the hem or edge of anything rollable or not; she will still roll it into a ball.

For example, she was rolling my shirt on the chair unconsciously; my poor shirt will never be the same. I stared at her lips, the slight bite she gave them that always made her look irresistible..... Ted! Stop noticing every single thing she do!

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