Chapter 29

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I sighed as I washed the dishes, a woebegone expression on my face. I was having the worst weeks of my life. First, life was so hard getting use to without Viona, no one except Bruce was there to make me laugh. I was okay at least, it wasn't that bad but when Bruce returned with Ame almost two months ago and I saw what that monster have made her gone through, I knew life was going to get hard. Thanks to Madam Alicia, most of the scars on her body had completely disappeared and thank God her skin was one of those delicate ones that don't keep scars. If it was mine, many of it would still remain.

Vee changed, like in the bad way. For all the years we had been together, Vee had always been the fuel that ignite my fire, she made me the confident woman I am today. I really was a shy low self-esteem person back then, until I met her. I always knew she was a strong woman but after hearing and seeing for myself the evidence of what she went through, my mindset about her completely changed, she was now like a goddess to me. Anyways, that was by the way, when I said change, I meant change. Viona no longer talks, she had not spoken a single word to anyone since she woke up, didn't smile, didn't laugh, she was the exact opposite of Viona.

I had spent nights in Bruce's arms crying myself to sleep, every time I would look at her and try to talk but she would only look at me with distant eyes, ones filled with pain and agony. Yes, she didn't let the bastard see her weakness, she remained strong until she killed him, but at the end, he still succeeded in winning even in death. Vee was broken, very very much broken and repairing her was difficult because she never listens or even pay attention. When she wasn't looking at space, she was reading, playing a videogame, painting and eating. At least her eating was still intact and her painting skills had tremendously improved.

The one person that suffered it most, – that is if he cares – was Ame. Unlike everyone else who Vee would stare at absent mindedly, with pain or a small assuring glint in her eyes, she stared at Ame like he was the devil – which he is – that must stay away from her. The cloud of coldness and hatred in her eyes whenever he came to check on her was so thick, all her veins and teeth would bare out to exaggerate how much she wished he died along with the one who caused her so much pain. I had never seen her like that, Ame led her to the trouble she faced and for that, I hated him too.

'Hey,' Bruce whispered, wrapping his hands around my waist as he rest his chin on my shoulder. 'You okay?'

'Have I ever been? How's Vee? Is she getting better?'

'We both saw her three hours ago and the answer is no,' I whimpered. 'Come on Ursula, don't be like this again, not another tears.'

'Why won't I cry! She is no longer...'

'Vee would be fine, I assure you that.'

'That is what you always say but now, it has been almost two months and nothing is yet to happen!'

'It isn't easy Ursula, you of all people should know how it feels to suffer sexual harassment from a algolagniac, Lucius was one.'

'I know, but I didn't expect it to break her, Vee is stronger than th...'

'If it was you, would you have survived it?' He asked wryly, I wouldn't. What I faced with Lucius is no way close to what Vee faced, and she was still alive. 'Look,' he turned me around and cupped my face. 'Psycho is stronger than this, she will overcome this at her own time, I promise you.'


'As long as she is alive, there is hope.'

I pouted and smiled. 'How did I get bless with a darling like you?' I asked smilingly.

'You went on your knees and crawled after me,' I frowned, he had to ruin it. 'What? I spoke the truth.' He said with an innocent shrug.

'Mtcheeew,,' I turned around to continue the dishes. 'Go away, I need to concentrate.'

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