Chapter 56

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Yolanda's standpoint

You know what I like about my dad? His trust in me. He didn't look down on me like I was some kind of little girl he must pamper, he didn't underestimate me for my age or size. I told him I wanted to handle my uncle myself and he simply nodded, having a strong faith that I would be okay on my own and I'm grateful for that. I knew the warehouse he was going to ambush, didn't even need any man but the droids to take care of him. I sat on a chair with legs crossed, drinking from my juice box relaxedly as I waited for him to arrive. The gunshots were getting louder and closer. To him he was shooting humans and making his way in.

'Gather as many coke as you can and anything valuable, we need to be out of here as soon as possi...' He froze when he saw me sitting on the chair nonchalantly, his men froze too in confusion.

What is a child doing here?... That is definitely what was in their minds.

'Yolanda?' He asked unsurely.

'Hello Uncle Jacob, really nice to finally meet you.'

'Uncle?' The man standing beside him asked with surprise. 'Is this Jethro's daughter?'

'Yes, I am his daughter.'

'I thought you told us Ame killed her?' Another asked.

'He did, this one is an imposter!'

'Am I?' I smirked. 'I don't look any teeny bit of your brother, huh uncle dearest? The last time I checked, I look exactly like him and Ame happens to be my mother's brother, why would he kill me? The same man who raised me?'

'This isn't what we came for,' he growled and cocked his gun to shoot me. He paused when I nonchalantly sipped from my straw. 'Why aren't you scared?' I inclined my head to the ceiling, directing their gaze to the motion laser guns surrounding the upper walls. I had the bracket in my hand that marked me as safe. I smiled with satisfaction as their faces fell in shock and disbelief, or is that horror?

'Activate lasers,' I giggled. The green lights in all of them lit up. 'One move, and you are all dead.'

'Filthy little...'

'Na na dear uncle, I can set it to unrecognized voices as well. Wanna try?' I smirked. 'I know you think you don't have to move but I have other plans.'

'I don't understand what is going on here!' One of the men shouted, sweat already dripping down his face as fear clouded his head. I dropped my juice box, still addicted to this thing.

'And you will never understand,' I said coldly, I picked up the mini ear buds at my side and wore it. The sonic shield pierced in, blocking out every sound. 'Now, enjoy my favorite music!' I shouted. I pressed the blue button on the arm of my chair and smiled. The sound to me was like a small incessant ringing but to them, it was a loud frequent wave, similar to a banshee's wail.

I laughed as they groaned and moved to cover their ears. The motion lasers acted instantly, firing continuous beams at them. I made sure the beams shooting my uncle don't shoot him anywhere that would kill him. It was fun watching all men drop dead. All over the building, even the ones outside, all was shot down. 'Well, you're still alive,' I sniggered at him. He laid helplessly on the ground, one of his knees badly broken by the beams. I stood up and sauntered to him.

'Your father loved your mother with his life,' I stopped walking. 'He cared about her but Ame wasn't in support of the relationship, so he killed him. The man you are protecting killed your father who loved you and your mother so much.'

Was I going to believe that? Nah.

I walked closer to him and crouched, grabbing his thick chin with my hand. 'Oh uncle, sweet sweet uncle,' I cooed, using my other hand to smoothen his hair. 'The thing is that everyone is going to die one day, just like you are about to. You don't need to lie, I know my mother hated me with passion because I was the result of her rape. I know she tried countless of times to abort me but failed because I was as stubborn as I was then, as I am now. I know Uncle Ame was the only one who wanted me alive, I know he did everything to keep me alive even after mother went mad in anger. He raised me dear uncle, gave me everything I wanted, made me the only queen in his world... Well, I was the queen but what the heck, I'm happy still having a place in his cold heart.

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