Chapter 19

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I sighed as I stared at the door sadly, Bruce was in there tied to the hospital bed. It had been two awfully long weeks, two weeks of frustration. Bruce woke up three days after but I didn't have the courage to see him, he was there because of me. Ted, that Alpha asshole! He disappeared, never even bothered to check on me once and it really hurt. The one thing about me is that I never hold grudges on anyone, no matter what they do to me. I forgive easily and I think I got it from mother or maybe it's just me. He went to Florida but was back, never came to see me or Bruce.

'Hey,' Ursula whispered, resting her head on my shoulder. 'You should go in now,' she came back from wherever she went to almost two days after I got shot and was terribly disappointed that Ted called her back but there was nothing she could do. She and Yolanda had been there for me, to just laugh and joke around and I am proud to say my ankles were almost better.

'What if he hates me?' I whimpered.

'What if, just try.' She smiled. I sighed and stepped back. She rolled her eyes and knocked on the door gently, didn't need a reply, she pushed it open and dragged me in.

'Holy fuck!' I exclaimed, shutting my eyes. Ursula gagged and looked away. I reopened my eyes and watched the nurse frantically arrange her gown. She quickly grabbed her tray of injections and scurried out. 'Seriously Bruce, what happened to locking doors? Is this why you picked to be moved to a soundproof door? Fucking a nurse!'

'Shhh, she wanted it,' he said with a innocent shrug. 'All of them keeps wanting my dick so I give em,'

I folded my arms with a motherly glare. 'How many?'


'The two weeks you have spent here, how many?'

'I spent four days in pain but the rest were awesome, really. I think I've fucked about sixteen of them, or nineteen, something like that.'

'Seriously!' I squawked. 'That is sick man!' I laughed, he laughed too.

'There, that's what I miss, your humour and that mosquito voice,' he said between his laugh. I stopped mine abruptly and sneered.

'You had to ruin it,' he shrugged and sat on the bed. 'How have you been?'

'If I knew being friends with a woman would kill me, then I would have come out to this world gay.' He said drily.

'I'm very sorry, about Ted,' he waved it off dismissively. 'How is your head?'

'Wouldn't be existing if you didn't take a bullet for me, I owe you nine Psycho,' he said with a flirtatious wink.

'Make it ten or I'll pluck your eye out,' I threatened playfully, making myself comfortable on the bed. 'But do you really want to be gay?'

'And miss sweet pussies, hell no!' He shouted with a dramatic gesture that got us laughing. After laughing, he looked at fidgeting Ursula and sneered. 'Is she going to keep standing there and fidgeting or sit down?'

'Ur...I'm Ursula,' she said shyly.

'I know pretty, Bruce.'

'You are gorgeous...' She gasped and cupped her mouth. 'I'm sorry, I didn't mean it like that.'

'Stop blushing for him, if you want his dick just say so and I will give you both privacy,' I sniggered. She eyed me sheepishly.

'Stop that Vee,' she murmured.

Sweet but a psychoजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें