Chapter 11

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I stretched on my limbs as I stood on my toes, I was in my room doing my morning exercise, very very important. I bent down backward, bending my body back until my head touched my ankle. Someone knocked on my door, I twisted my body and stood on my hands, my legs far apart. 'Come in,' the door opened slightly, Yolanda stuck her head inside. 'Hi Lan, what's up?'

'Good morning,' she greeted.

'Morning love, did you sleep well?'

'Yes....,? What are you doing?'


'Why?' She asked sitting on my bed.

'I'm a gymnast, it's important to stretch my bones to every angle,' I said pushing my legs to the right in a way I looked like an upsidedown "L"

'Wow, your body can bend to that extent? It's nice. You look like someone with no bones,'

'Dancing and gymnastics is the one thing my father paid money on I actually paid attention to. Even when I was forced to music school, I didn't focus at all but I still know how to sing. If I had paid attention, I would have been a popstar by now.'

'He wanted one of you to be a popstar?'

'Pop-rock star, hard rock, techno, or actress. To him, our fame is his fame but none of us were interested. I was the only one who chose to be a cheerleader in highschool,'

'Do you regret it? Leaving home?'

'Aside from leaving mom and Carolyn, nothing else.'


'My twin sister,'

'You have a twin?' She gasped.

'Not literally,'

'Huh?' I flipped myself to my feet.

'Carolyn is a insane woman who thinks we are twin, she's sweet and listens to everything I say. You get it?'

'Tell me about your past, the fun past about you.' She said cutely. I nodded and twisted my body like I was being wring.

'Let's do this another time,' I grunted. 'I'm busy.'

'I was wondering if you want to go for target practice with me,'

'You shoot guns at your age?' I asked quizzically.

'Self-defense, my dad's a criminal.'

'Wow,' I breathe. 'Just wow,'

'So, will you come?'

'Give me ten minutes to go bathe and slip into something more durable,' she nodded.




I dropped the bag on the ground still looking around the room, some men were shooting at the target dummies and that includes Yolanda's dad. My stomach turned a little, I glared at it and focused my attention on another guy, wow, he's hot. 'I'm here,' Yolanda said with a chirpy voice.

'You are late,' her dad said calmly.

'I was busy dragging Vee along,'

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