Chapter 28

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I had always been a ruthless killer, one who didn't think twice before firing a bullet, one who had no heart and felt no soul. Everyone who opposed me all died by my bullet or hands, some kept their fucks to themselves, caving like the cowards they were. There was no soul that dared be rivals with him that lasted long; all died sooner than usual. I would always smile in victory after a successful kill, reliving the memories of my enemies all dropping dead or their agonizing cries when I torture them to death. It was a turn on for me, almost sadomasochistic but it wasn't exactly that way at all. Though I never admitted it, I was starting to grow tire of that lifestyle; wake up, train, run, eat, regular work, mafia business, kill, demand respect and the over all of them, women in my bed after a stressful boring day. I was starting to hate my life, hate the way all my rivals were easy to take down. If I really wanted then, it would have been easy to end Lucius but I loved the challenge.

I started throwing all my frustration on the women I slept with, made sure they begged for mercy whenever I fucked them. Most passed out, many bled profusely and most left with scars and injuries.... Geez! I was turning into a real Sadomasochist! And I didn't know! It all surprisingly changed after Cookie came into my life. From the very day I saw her singing like a psycho in a café, I was drawn to her. Yes, I met her much earlier than the day I kidnapped her.

I had gone there for business, use the small café to get my parcel when she climbed on the counter to entertain the customers for reasons best known to her. Her voice, hips, face, cray hair, everything called out to me. It was alluring but I kicked it off. For a week, my desire to have and curiosity to know more about her made me kept going back to her. I became a crazy stalker, followed her everywhere she went, kept tabs on her every movement. I became obsess with her yet I couldn't approach her for reasons I don't know; something held me back.

Finally, I let go of her and moved on, that same week was when I found out she was the friend of who I wanted and I used that as an opportunity to take her without anyone questioning my actions. My obsession turned into bigger feelings and that is what landed me in my present predicament.

Bruce stared at me as I signed the document with a straight face, there was nothing worth smiling for in this miserable life of mine. Bruce wanted to talk to me about Cookie for days but I had been ignoring him, shot his arm one of the time I lost my cool. I wanted to prove to everyone, especially myself that she meant nothing to me, that I was still the despicable Ame Allen. I intentionally kicked her out of the building and got her fired to show her that I didn't care.

'There, everything I have spent years working on is now yours,' Craig said bitterly. I took the documents and smirked at him. 'Am I free to go now? With my family?'

'But Craig,' I pouted tauntingly. 'Don't you want a job again? I can offer you a job so you won't live in the streets...oh yeah, you still have your house and wife's business. Nevermind, it was nice doing business with you.' I stood up and walked out, throwing the documents at Bruce.

'I forgot to thank you for shooting my favorite hand,' he groaned as he struggled with the document. I chuckled.

'Favorite hand, really Bruce?'

'Don't look at me, I lived with a psycho for weeks.'

He had to ruin everything. 'Get the jet ready, we are leaving first thing tomorrow morning.'


'Bruce please, I don't want to hear about her, about my past.'

'If you don't hear me out, you will regret when you hear about it later.'

'Enough Bruce!' I snapped. 'You are talking to Ame Allen, not Cookie Carol!'

'It's Cookie Carlisle actually,' he murmured. I reached for my belt, he ran off immediately.

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