Chapter 30

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How the mighty fall...

'There is no way in this fucking life that I going to step out of this building wearing this rubbish!' I yelled at Cookie who had a grin on her face. So, eventually, I am to take Yolanda and her out to the amusement park and a long list of things we must do alone and with Yolanda. The worst thing about it all was that she would be the one choosing what I will wear. She turned my beautiful white shirt and pants to pink and now with all the combo of beads and chains and ribbons, I look like a giant walking lollipop!

'It's not that bad dad,'

'Not that bad! I look like a giant lollipop!'

'Actually, you look like a birthday wrapped giant lollipop,' Cookie giggled.

'Whatever, I am not going anywhere dressed' I dragged the shirt. 'This!'

'Didn't I tutor you about shouting all the time? Speak to me with a reasonable pitch and stop yelling like a mad man advertising his dick in a market square.' She said with a dramatic wave of her hand. I glared dagger at her.

Keep it in Ted, don't react.

'Dad, you look really cute. Totally brings out the cute in Ted.' Yolanda giggled and winked at me. I cursed under my breath and glared at the reason for my humiliation.

'You made a promise that you will do whatever I say...'

'I said, not promise...'

'Coco di di ya ya,' she sang smirkingly, her new threat. I whimpered, this is so unfair.

'Remind me in my next life never to stay close to women,'

'In your next life, you will probably be a bear.'

'Why aren't you wearing rainbow yourself?' I asked pettishly, I miss her rainbow self. She changes hair and eye lens like she changes dresses. Now she was spotting neon coloured pink and sea green hair, only that this one was a wig. Her eye colour for the day was red, bright red. Who in their right mind uses red? Well, she don't have any sense anyways.

'So I will look like an idiot like you?'

I snorted. 'You look like a sick witch in that neon colors, a very sick one.'

'Jealous much,' she smirked looking away.

'Jealousy, of such sick colours, on pe-lease.'

'Sat, since I'm your fashion designer for the coming days, what would you say I make you wear a teddy bear suit with a giant bow on your head!' She squealed, clapping her hands.

'Oh wow, you can force me into wearing it.'


'Stop doing that!'

'Stop what?' She asked innocently.

'The Coco thing, quit it.'

'Tsk, make me,' I glanced at Yolanda who was looking at us like we were two empty headed children.

'Let's just go squish...'

'Mitten!' She interjected clapping her hands. I face palmed myself. She swayed to and fro, nodding her head as she grinned at me.

'Can we go now?' Yolanda asked with an eye roll.

'Onward!' Cookie squealed and skipped out. What she was wearing was another thing but what do you expect from someone wearing neon coloured wigs. I pulled my shocking pink baseball cap down, hiding my face from the men as they glanced at me. This is so humiliating.

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