Chapter 41

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I got busy into my work because I didn't want to think any more about my situation. When I thought there is headache but no solution that's why it's better to let to go for now.

One week spend like it. I didn't see karan after that day. Nimish had told me about my work and I reported to him that's why I didn't need to meet Karan. By the way, it's better for me not to meet him. My last week went smoothly. First, my current work was different from my past work that's why I needed to learn a lot about my work.

But I didn't know that soon I was going into big trouble. It's Monday and I came office after sending Aahan to his school as usual. I was in relaxed mood. As I put my handbag and sat on my chair, I heard a knock on my door. I said to come in with calmly. Then Nimish entered into my cabin and greeted, "Good morning Miss Kavya." I told him many times to call me by my name but he always call me polielty. That's why I stopped to correct him.

I smiled polielty, "very good morning."

He nodded and told, "As you know, today it's blood donation camp into our company." I already knew about it. Karan's every company arranged blood donation camp into company every year. Now this company was under him that's why it's normal to apply this rule into this company.

I nodded and told him, "Mr Nimish, don't worry. I already arranged everything and send mail to  every employee about it."

Nimish said, "It's good and be ready to donate blood. Because doctors team will reach within one hour."

After hearing it, I gulped my saliva with horror and asked with trembling voice, "Mr Nimish, is it necessary to everyone to donate blood?"

I examined my expression and asked with raising eyebrows, "didn't you donate blood ever?"

I shook my head, "Never."

He informed me with calm voice, "Miss Kavya, if you are afraid to donate blood, I will tell you. Don't need to be afraid. It's simple and our body generate blood automatically and there is no harm to our body. I and our companies's employees donate blood every year. It's only rumours that you feel weakness after donating blood. I am experienced. And it's oy rumor. Before doctor will check up your blood and body condition. If your body condition is not right, doctor will deny you. So there is no need to worry."

I knew already about it. But I was not afraid because of my body condition. But I was afraid of my phobia. I can't tell Nimish about me that's why I asked as much as calm I could ask, "Is Mr Karan in his in cabin?" I planned to ask Karan because he understood my condition. Even, he already knew about my phobia.

Nimish guessed why I was asking it that's why he said, "Sorry, Miss Kavya, boss will come late. He donates blood before every employee that's why he will directly go to camp. And by the way, this rule made by boss that's why it's not use to ask him about it." There is a rule that it's compulsory to donate blood for every employee if you are healthy and your body condition is fine.

I helplessly nodded, "then fine."

He gave me lecture for ten minutes how much importance to donate blood. I already knew it and I respected those peoples who donate blood regularly because they save someone. But I can't donate because of my phobia. After nimish left, I sat on chair with closed my eyes. I tried to calm down myself. 'It happened in past and I should now move on. I knew Tushar was alive and live somewhere happily that's why I don't need to worry.' Actually, after divorce my life was not simple. There was many problems for surviving that's why I never face my old illness after divorce. May be, I had no time for my illness and I knew my son is more important for me than myself.

I don't know if there will be any problem to donate blood or not. It's a long time ago when I had my last panic attack and Dr Subramanyam told me that I am totally fine. I think I can donate blood. In one hour, I pursed myself to donate blood. As expected, Mr Nimish came to take me blood donate camp. I understood his intention he was afraid that I would run away if he didn't show up. It's true if he didn't insist to go, I would never go. I was not sure that I would be panic or not after seeing blood. I know it's different than fighting but I can't help to calm down myself.

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